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An application of the metafrontier and technical gap ratio in sport
作者 林文斌
中文摘要 近年來,效率與生產力的概念及應用,已廣為運用在各項領域與產業之中。緒論:運用共同邊界與技術落差比率概念,探討國際運動賽會:奧林匹克運動會與世界棒球經典賽兩大主題,達到應用於運動領域、提升運動組織管理效率的目標。方法:運用資料包絡分析法、共同邊界概念方法,多面向、多層次的跨期探討國際運動賽會參賽國家與國家棒球隊於不同強度的國際賽事之技術表現。結果:求得兩大國際運動賽事之參賽效率分析與技術落差比率。結論:應用最先驅的跨領域研究議題於體育運動領域,期盼能夠演繹並發展多元體育運動研究領域的方向與議題。
英文摘要 In recent year, efficiency and productivity has been broadly applied to different domain and industries. Introduction: This study were applied metafrontier and TGR to explore two major issues: mega sport events (Olympic Games) and World Baseball Classic (WBC) in order to be used in sport research domain, and to be enhanced sport organizational efficiency. Methods: To use methods of data envelopment analysis (DEA) and metafrontier in multi-dimensional technically aspects figuring out the nations in different levels of mega sport events, and the national baseball teams in different levels of international competitions among different periods. Results: To figured out efficiency analysis, technology gap ratio of the two sport events. Conclusions: This study applied the pioneer issues from efficiency and productivity to sports research domain, and expected to deduce and develop multiple directions and issues for researches in sports.
起訖頁 383-398
關鍵詞 效率與生產力資料包絡分析法績效評估奧林匹克運動會棒球efficiency and productivitydata envelopment analysisperformance evaluationOlympic Gamesbaseball
刊名 體育學報
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201512 (48:4期)
DOI 10.3966/102472972015124804002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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