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The ambition of an Asia modern archery pioneer- Narrative research on the life of Noriaki Takayanagi
作者 李建興林郁偉廖宗耀
中文摘要 因與國際頂尖教練長年保持良好交流,臺灣射箭技術與國際接軌綿密而逐於成熟,現代射箭競技運動是歷屆奧運的奪牌重點項目之一,我國曾於奧運奪銀摘銅,並在亞運、世界大學運動會等重大賽事奪金;其中,1936年 (昭和11年) 出生在日本長野縣的高柳憲昭是臺灣現代射箭競技技術之嚆矢。本研究視高柳憲昭為射箭文化載體,由此觀點切入。緒論:藉由整理高柳氏射箭技藝的經歷,研究課題敘說個案的射箭緣起、臺日的射箭交流、技術的具體內容、傳承的文化技藝等。方法:以半結構深入訪談,文獻分析 (包含相片、公文、射箭專著、傳記等一手文獻) 等資料蒐集方式,經分析、比較、綜合、歸納後,進行敘說。結果:首先,第二次世界大戰結束後日本政府規劃舉辦1964年東京奧運,促發自學生時期立志參加奧運的高柳憲昭投入現代射箭練習,進入職場後仍不斷自我精進,從事射箭專業教練及行政推廣。其次,高柳憲昭習射之餘撰書立著,經高雄市王義射手拜讀後力邀來臺,之後數度協助我國射箭協會舉辦講習、指導奧運選手,奠立臺灣符合射箭科學原理的動作基礎。再者,經由參加國際比賽的觀摩交流及精研訓練之道,於1976年在高柳憲昭的帶領及指導下,日本隊奪得奧運男子射箭個人銀牌。最後,他揉合日本傳統弓道的身心修練與現代西洋弓箭的革新精神、比較各國射箭推展制度的優劣、吸收歐美射箭科學技術與日本苦練方式,在文化的思想、制度、器物等層次皆有所傳承與突破,並透過選手、教練、行政、作家等身分,終生戮力傳揚射箭運動,體現出東西身體運動文化的揉合。
英文摘要 Owing to long-term positive collaboration with international top coaches, through whom enable Taiwanese athletes the transformation and maturation in archery skills along with the international development, modern archery in Taiwan has become one key medal-winning sport event in the Olympic Games. Taiwanese archery athletes ever won one silver and one bronze medal of archery in 2004 Olympic Games, and attained gold medals in other major games (i.e., Asia Games and World University Games). One important influencing factor for Taiwanese archery success is Noriaki Takayanagi, who was born in Naganoken Japan in 1936, a facilitator for Taiwan modern archery technology development. While this research views Noriaki Takayanagi as the conveyer of archery culture, the purpose of the research is to collate his archery experiences. Introduce: The research topics include his original participation in archery, archery technology interchange between Taiwan and Japan, content of archery skills, and pass-down of archery culture and skills. Methods:Semi-structured in-depth interviews and content analysis (which includes photos, official document, documentary film, archery books, and biography) are used in this study. Original raw data are analyzed, compared, synthesized, and generalize as narration of sport figure. Results: firstly, Japan government planned to hold Tokyo Olympic Games in 1964 after World War II; Noriaki Takayanagi, who aimed at participating the Games, began to devote himself in modern archery training since his early school life. Importantly, Noriaki Takayanagi persisted in archery practice, become an archery coach and promoted archery even graduating from school. Secondly, Noriaki Takayanagi also wrote books while practicing archery. Wong-I, an archery athlete from Kaoshiung in Taiwan, was inspired by Noriaki Takayanagi’s work therefore invited him to Taiwan to assist archery development. Noriaki Takayanagi assisted Chinese Taipei Archery Association by holding lecture, and instructing and training Taiwanese archery athletes for Olympic Games. He established the foundation of physical movement that conformed with science skill principle of archery. Thirdly, based upon the experiences from participation in international games and deliberate enhancement in archery training, Noriaki Takayanagi led Japanese Olympic archery athletes to win a silver medal in man’s individual event in the 1976 Olympic Games. Finally, Noriaki Takayanagi integrates traditional Japanese Kyudo body-mind training with Western innovative modern archery spirit. In addition, he evaluated and compared strength and weakness of archery institutions from many countries, and absorbed archery science skill from Europe/US and hard training approach from Japan. Consequently, Noriaki Takayanagi makes significant breakthrough and pass-down from dimensions of cultural thinking, system, and utensils. Noriaki Takayanagi devotes himself to archery all his life; as being the athlete, coach, administrator and writer, he himself provides a great example by successfully integrating the Eastern with the Western body culture.
起訖頁 309-322
關鍵詞 和弓奧運運動文化現代性Japanese KyudoOlympic GamesSport cultureModernity
刊名 體育學報
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201509 (48:3期)
DOI 10.3966/102472972015094803006  複製DOI  DOI申請

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