篇名 | 五週希望介入課程對大專網球選手之影響 |
並列篇名 | The effect of five-week hope intervention course for collegiate tennis players |
作者 | 陳建瑋、季力康 |
中文摘要 | 緒論:本研究以希望理論為架構,在大專運動會前針對大專乙組網球隊設計一套五週的運動希望介入課程,考驗介入的效果與介入後運動希望對於賽前情緒、控制感、賽前狀態焦慮(強度與方向性),自我設限及表現(自評表現與教練評估)之可能影響。方法:受試者為大專網球乙組球員,總計實驗組35人,對照組23人,男生30人,女生28人,平均年齡22.17歲(SD=2.70),平均的訓練年數為4.58年(SD=2.97),希望介入計畫在不同球隊都包含五週的五十分鐘課程,五週計畫包含設計課程與活動來幫助選手了解希望的構念,在計劃開始之前,確認出實驗組與對照組,所有選手都填寫運動希望問卷,在計劃結束後再填寫一次運動希望問卷。實驗組在大專運動會前五週開始進行希望之介入課程,除了在課程前後進行希望前後測,也在大專運動會比賽前一小時填寫一系列之問卷測量其賽前情緒,運動希望,控制感,賽前狀態焦慮,以及自我設限,賽後則填寫自評表現量表,教練則是在賽後填寫他評表現量表。結果:相較於控制組,結果發現參與課程的實驗組希望增加的分數顯著較高,此外,實驗組在面對重大的比賽時,比控制組有較低的負面情緒,較高的希望與較好的自評表現。結論:五週希望介入課程可以有效提升實驗組選手之運動希望,並且在實際應用與未來研究方向上提出一些建議。 |
英文摘要 | Introduction: Based on the hope theory, the current study design a five-week intervention for level II tennis teams before the National Intercollegiate Athletic Games and later to test the effect of intervention and prospective effects of hope on precompetitive emotions, sense of control, precompetitive state anxiety (intensity and direction), self-handicapping and performance (evaluated by players and coaches) after the intervention. Methods: Participants were 58 level II collegiate tennis players (30 males, 28 females), including 35 players in experimental group and 23 players in control group with average age 22.17 years (SD = 2.70), and average training time 4.58 years (SD = 2.97). The hope intervention program consisted of five 50-minute sessions with different teams. The five-session program involved lessons and activities designed to help players understand the construct of hope. Prior to the beginning of the program, identified the experimental group and the control group, all players were given the sport hope scale, upon completion of the program all players were again administered the sport hope scale. Experimental group was conducted with the hope intervention before five weeks of the National Intercollegiate Athletic Games. In addition to measure the participants’ hope before and after the intervention, they also completed a battery of questionnaires to measure their precompetitive emotions, sport hope, sense of control, precompetitive state anxiety, and self-handicapping for one hour prior to their game, and to evaluate their performance after the game. Coaches were required to evaluate the performances of their players. Results: Increases in hope scores were found to be significantly larger in the experimental group of players who participated in the program, as compared to the control group. Moreover, the experimental group showing lower negative emotion, more hope, and better performance evaluated by players before the important game. Conclusion: The five-week intervention could enhance the hope of players in the experimental group, practical implications and directions for future research were also recommended. |
起訖頁 | 171-184 |
關鍵詞 | 路徑、動力、希望理論、賽前狀態焦慮、表現、pathway、agency、hope theory、precompetitive state anxiety、performance |
刊名 | 體育學報 |
出版單位 | 中華民國體育學會 |
期數 | 201506 (48:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102472972015064802005 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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