篇名 | 長期漸增式離心運動訓練對高齡者下肢肌力與功能性體適能之影響 |
並列篇名 | Effects of long-term progressive eccentric training on muscle functional and functional fitness in the elderly |
作者 | 曾暐晉、黃冠菱、黃啟煌、陳信良 |
中文摘要 | 緒論:老化促使高齡者的肌肉、心肺適能等下降,下肢肌力的流失將降低高齡者獨自生活能力與增加跌倒的風險。過去研究證實阻力訓練有助於減緩高齡者下肢肌力的衰退,但是從事高強度的阻力訓練容易產生肌肉酸痛。近期的研究發現長期『漸增式』型態的阻力訓練能降低肌肉損傷與酸痛情形,然而,高齡者從事長期漸增離心收縮模式的阻力訓練,對提升下肢肌肉功能與功能性體適能的效果仍不清楚。目的:探討12週漸增強度式離心訓練對高齡者的下肢肌肉功能與功能性體適能的影響。方法:招募16位大於60歲健康男性作為受測對象,隨機分配至:漸增強度式離心訓練組(eccentric training, ET)(n=8)或控制組(control, CON)(n=8)。其中,ET組使用雙腿膝伸肌群接受連續12週每週1次的離心訓練(10%~100%最大等長肌力)。CON組12週訓練期間保持實驗前正常生活習慣,無接受任何阻力訓練。所有受試者在12週訓練前、後,各接受一次非慣用腿膝伸肌最大等速向心肌力(maximal voluntary isokinetic contraction, MVC)、速度發展率(rate of velocity development, RVD)、8呎起立-走路、30秒連續坐站與6分鐘走路測驗,並記錄每週訓練時的自覺強度與酸痛反應。以二因子混合設計變異數分析,考驗每一個依變項在不同組別與時間之間的差異情形。結果:12週離心訓練並未隨著訓練強度增高而產生明顯肌肉酸痛現象(p>.05)。12週漸增強度的離心訓練後,不但可使MVC、RVD、8呎起立-走路與30秒連續坐站表現明顯進步之外,亦明顯比CON組來得好(p<.05)。CON組所有依變項皆無顯著改變(p>.05)。結論:高齡者進行12週漸增強度式的離心訓練,不僅可避免肌肉酸痛產生,並且能有效提升下肢肌肉功能與功能性體適能。本研究的結果未來可提供給高齡者做為參與健身促進或抗老化運動處方之參考。 |
英文摘要 | Introduction: Muscle functional and cardiopulmonary fitness decrease with aging, the ability of the daily activities would reduce with lower limb strength decrease, and increased the risk of falling. Previous studies have reported that resistance training had efficiently prevented muscle strength lost of the lower extremities, however, it could induced muscle soreness after high-intensity resistance training. Recent studies have found long-term of progressive resistance training could reduce the magnitude of muscle damage and soreness; however, it is still unknown the effects of progressive eccentric-only training in the elderly on muscle function and functional fitness of the lower extremities. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the changes in lower limb muscle function and functional fitness in response to progressive eccentric-only training and control group in old men. Methods: Sixteen old men were recruited in the study, and then were randomly assigned into progressive eccentric (ET, n=8) or control group (CON, n=8). The subjects in the ET groups were completed a 12-week training program using a leg extension machine. Maximal voluntary isokinetic contraction at 210°/s (MVC), rate of velocity development at 210°/s (RVD), 8 feet up and go, 30s chair stand up, and 6-min go were measured before, and after 12-week training. Data were analyzed by a two-way mixed design of analysis of variance. Results: After 12 weeks progressive strength training, there were significantly greater improvement in the performance of MVC, RVD, 8 feet up and go, and 30s chair stand up in the ET groups (p < .05). Compared to baseline, there was not any significant change in all measures after 12-week of observation for the CON group (p > .05). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that progressive eccentric training in old men could be effectively produced the same extent of improvements of MVC, RVD, and functional physical fitness. Furthermore, muscle soreness was not induced during the 12-week of ET regardless of progressive increased in training intensity. Therefore, progressive ET can be used one of effective and safe training programmes for old individuals or the results of this study can be provided as the suggestion for old individuals when they pursuit to promote their healthy or anti-aging. |
起訖頁 | 159-170 |
關鍵詞 | 老化、重覆訓練效應、延遲性肌肉酸痛、膝伸肌群肌力、健康促進、aging、repeated bout effect、delayed onset muscle soreness、knee extensors strength、health、promotion |
刊名 | 體育學報 |
出版單位 | 中華民國體育學會 |
期數 | 201506 (48:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102472972015064802004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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