篇名 | 抗力球訓練對射箭選手肌肉功能、平衡能力與運動表現的影響 |
並列篇名 | Effects of Swiss ball training on muscular function, balance ability, and performance in archers |
作者 | 楊明達、鄭羽潔、詹貴惠 |
中文摘要 | 緒論:抗力球訓練能透過神經肌肉控制增加核心肌力以維持身體平衡,進而增加本體感覺回饋及動作協調能力。擁有良好的肌力、肌耐力及身體平衡能力的射箭選手將能有效地提升其運動表現,故射箭選手在一般訓練課程中結合抗力球訓練應有其正面之效果。故本研究旨在探討六週抗力球訓練對射箭選手肌力、核心肌群肌耐力、平衡能力與射箭成績的影響。方法:24位受過2年以上射箭專項訓練,且六個月內無重大肌肉損傷及沒有高血壓、心血管疾病及其它慢性疾病病史的高中男子射箭選手為對象,分成抗力球組及控制組(各12人),實驗期間實驗參與者除正常射箭訓練外,抗力球組另進行每次3組、每週3次、持續6週的抗力球訓練。在實驗前、後均測量實驗參與者的上、下肢最大肌力、一分鐘仰臥起坐及俯臥弓背次數之核心肌群肌耐力、壓力中心偏移半徑、引弓持續時間與70公尺射箭雙局成績。結果:訓練後抗力球組之一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐(抗力球組:62.92±4.10次vs.控制組:55.83±6.07次,p<.05)與一分鐘俯臥弓背次數(抗力球組:62.50±6.76次vs.控制組:53.08±7.35次,p<.05),以及壓力中心偏移半徑(抗力球組:1.83±0.39mmvs.控制組:3.00±1.04mm,p<.05)成績顯著優於控制組,而二組間其它依變項無顯著差異。結論:每週3次、持續6週的抗力球訓練可有效提升射箭選手核心肌群肌耐力與平衡能力,但對四肢肌力、上肢肌耐力與射箭成績則無影響。 |
英文摘要 | Introduction: Swiss ball training can enhance core strength to maintain body balance by neuromuscular control, which further enhances the feedback of proprioception and the motor coordination. Moreover, when archers have high level of muscle strength, muscle endurance and body balance, they will effectively enhance their performance. Therefore, there may have positive effects by combining regular training program with Swiss ball in archers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 6-weeks Swiss ball training on muscle strength, muscle endurance, balance ability, and archery performance in archers. Methods: Twenty four high school archers reported having the experience of specialized archery training at least 2 years, and without a history of serious muscular injury within 6 months, as well as without hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and other chronic diseases. All participants were divided into Swiss ball group (SB group, n=12) and control group (C group, n=12). All participants sustained the regular archery training programs during the experimental period. Subjects in SB group performed 3 sets Swiss ball training 3 times per weeks for 6 weeks. The maximal muscle strength of limbs, numbers of sit-up and hyperextension within 1 minute, the radius of center of pressure, the continued time of drawing as well as the archery score of 70 meters of all subjects were assessed before and after the study. Results: The numbers of sit-up within 1 minute (SB group: 62.92 ± 4.10 times vs. C group: 55.83 ± 6.07 times, p < .05) and the numbers of hyperextension within 1 minute (SB group: 62.50 ± 6.76 times vs. C group: 53.08 ± 7.35 times, p < .05) and the radius of center of pressure (SB group: 1.83 ± 0.39 mm vs. C group: 3.00 ± 1.04 mm, respectively, p < .05) in SB group were significantly higher than C group. There were no significant differences in other variables between groups. Conclusion: The Swiss ball training with 3 times per week for six weeks could effectively enhance the core strength and balance ability in archers. However, Swiss ball training had no benefits on the muscle strength of limbs, muscle endurance of upper limb and archery performance. |
起訖頁 | 139-148 |
關鍵詞 | 最大肌力、肌耐力、壓力中心、引弓持續時間、maximal muscle strength、muscle endurance、center of pressure、continue time of drawing |
刊名 | 體育學報 |
出版單位 | 中華民國體育學會 |
期數 | 201506 (48:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102472972015064802002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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