  1. 熱門:
When positive psychology encounters sport psychology
作者 陳龍弘張文馨張硯評



Purpose: Since 2000, the positive psychology had advocated in mainstream psychology and this perspective timely replenish the need for pursuing healthy body and mind in addition to attain faster, higher, and stronger for athlete. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the scope of positive psychology, and its impact on sport psychology. Method: This study survey international journal which had published special issue on positive psychology from 2000 to 2014 (Jun.). Besides, this study introduced specialized journals and international conferences focus on positive psychology. Lastly, this study summarized positive psychology concepts and theories from those special issues as indexes in order to investigated the frequency of those indexes appear in sport psychology as well as domestic doctoral dissertations major in sport sciences. Results: This study concluded 24 international journals have published special issue on positive psychology. A total of 234 papers discussed about self-determination, self-efficacy, self-esteem and other 22 positive concepts. Moreover, there are two specialized international journals and two international conferences hold periodically. Finally, the results showed that sport psychology journal and domestic doctoral dissertations were less focus on positive psychology concepts relatively. Conclusions: Although sport psychology might be affected by positive psychology, there are still many positive concepts was not investigated completely in sport psychology. Positive psychology still have room for development in sport psychology which might us to lead athletes to their excellent.

起訖頁 123-138
關鍵詞 幸福感享樂主義論理性幸福主義論壓力well-beinghedonismeudaimonismstress
刊名 體育學報
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201506 (48:2期)
DOI 10.3966/102472972015064802001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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