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On the Meaning of Application Filed Under Laws in Mandatory Order from the Perspective of Japanese Law
作者 林孟楠
中文摘要 我國課予義務訴訟規定之「依法申請」,究竟具有何種制度內涵,至今未有明確一致之見解。鑑於日本法早於一九五○年代發展出「申請權」之概念,於行政事件訴訟法中規定「依法申請」,指引後續行政程序法及課予義務訴訟之立法方向。本文乃比較研究日本法,界定「依法申請」之制度內涵。基於日本法研究之成果,本文認為,行政處分申請人之法律地位可分為三層次,即程序開始請求權、適法處分請求權及特定處分請求權。課予義務訴訟之「依法申請」,僅需申請人具有程序開始請求權及適法處分請求權。其後,探討「依法申請」與訴訟權能之關係,嘗試說明第三人依保護規範理論「促請」行政機關對他人作成不利益處分時,第三人仍應具有程序開始請求權及適法處分請求權,始符合「依法申請」之內涵。
英文摘要 The meaning of an application filed under laws in mandatory order has not been specifically defined in Taiwan. However, it is clearly defined in Japan because the right to apply has been developed since 1950s and it has guided the legislation of administrative procedure act and mandatory order. This article analyzes the meaning of an application filed under laws in Japanese law and makes suggestions on how to define it in Taiwan. First, the paper proposes that the right to apply administrative decisions may be interpreted from three aspects: (1) the right to start a procedure, (2) the right to claim lawful decision-making, and (3) the right to claim a specific decision. Second, the meaning of an application filed under laws in mandatory order should include the first two aspects. Third, only when an individual who has the third party standing in addition to the right to start a procedure and the right to claim lawful decision-making may seek a mandatory order which requests an agency to make an adverse decision on specified persons.
起訖頁 127-206
關鍵詞 課予義務訴訟依法申請申請權申請人訴訟權能程序權實體權無瑕疵裁量請求權不作為申請程序Mandatory OrderApplication Filed Under LawsThe Right to ApplyApplicantStandingProcedural RightSubstantial RightRight to Lawful DiscretionInactionEx Officio ProceedingApplication Proceeding
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 202103 (164期)
DOI 10.3966/102398202021030164003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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