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Concept, Scope Definition and Function of Legisprudence
作者 林明鏘
中文摘要 立法學在我國傳統公法學界咸認非屬公法學研究領域內之課題,影響所及,致國內憲法或行政法對立法學的研究成果稍嫌不足。本論文參酌德國、奧地利及瑞士之立法學研究成果,參酌國內立法技術及立法程序之基本研究成果,擬從最基本之立法學概念、研究範疇及其功能出發,再深入分析我國立法學應該研究的四大課題:立法程序、立法技術、立法影響評估及立法基本原則(含成文與不成文之基本原則),並以我國實際案例加以佐證分析,希望能夠建立我國立法學研究之範疇外,並能喚醒注意:立法學之研究是一門跨學科領域之研究,且與德國進行之新行政法學研究,息息相關,立法學之研究對我國「依法行政」及「依法審判」均將有巨大之助益,並得提升法規範之效力。
英文摘要 From the perspective of public law, legislative science is never a topic in the research field of public law. As a result, there has been insufficient research on legislative science based on the administrative law or the Constitution of the R.O.C. This paper has referred to the results of the research on legislative science conducted in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, intending to start with the most fundamental concept, research scope, and function of the legislative science to thoroughly analyze the four topics that should have been researched in the field of legislative science: Legislative procedures, legislation techniques, assessment of legislative impact, and basic principles of legislation (including both written and unwritten basic principles). With the in-depth analysis supported by substantial case studies, this paper seeks to not only establish the research scope for legislative science in the R.O.C., but also make people well aware that the research on legislative science is cross-disciplinary and closely connected with the research on new administrative law conducted in Germany. The research on legislative science will be greatly beneficial to the “lawbased administration” and “trial by law” systems domestically.
起訖頁 71-134
關鍵詞 立法學概念立法學範疇立法程序立法技術立法影響評估立法原則立法缺陷立法學功能德國新行政法依法行政Concept of LegisprudenceScope of LegisprudenceLegislative ProcedureLegislation TechniqueAssessment of Legislative ImpactPrinciple of LegislationLegislative DefectFunction of LegisprudenceGerman New Administrative LawLaw-Based Administration
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 202006 (161期)
DOI 10.3966/102398202020060161002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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