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The Right to Consult of Indigenous Peoples and Its Implementation: In the Context of the Right to SelfDetermination of Peoples Under the ICCPR and the ICESCR
作者 徐揮彥
中文摘要 回顧近幾年所發生政府或企業擬在原住民族傳統領域進行開發或利用,因未實踐對原住民族之諮商義務所引發的爭議事件顯示,原住民族基本法第21條所規定原住民族諮商取得同意理念之落實,長期面臨行政機關的漠視,其原因與本條規範基礎的模糊及內容的不確定有關。本文之目的在從兩項人權公約為中心的民族自決權規範,探究諮商同意權的規範基礎、補充其內涵發展及要件,並審視我國對原住民族諮商同意權之實踐狀況及其問題。據此,本文第貳章將自國際人權法規範,探討對原住民族最核心的權利──自決權之內涵及其與諮商同意權之規範關係,並釐清諮商同意權之內涵及實施之要素。第參章將對美洲人權法院關於原住民族諮商同意權之「Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku v. Ecuador」案,在本文之目的下進行分析,並審視本案對原住民族諮商同意權實踐之意義與價值。第肆章則回到我國法制,分析憲法增修條文的原住民族條款,並探究民族自決權在我國憲法的地位與內涵,再接續分析原住民族基本法第21條諮商同意權規定在的規範內涵、精神及要件,並輔以我國涉及原住民族諮商同意權行政法院判決的探討,探究諮商同意權在我國落實之狀況及問題。最後,本文在第伍章基於第貳章及第參章之發現,審視我國對原住民族諮商同意權實踐之問題,並提出調整建議。
英文摘要 The article 21 of the Indigenous Basic Law which provides the right to consult of the indigenous peoples has entered into forced over 13 years, but its implementations are still very weak. This situation reflects the reluctance of administrative branch to fulfil its obligation under this article, and the reason might be the normative incompleteness of the article. This research aims to explore the normative content and basis of the right to consult in the context of right to self-determination under the ICCPR and ICESCR and by reference to the jurisprudence of Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the right to consult of the indigenous peoples, hoping to reconstruct the content of this right under the domestic legal system of Taiwan.
起訖頁 229-294
關鍵詞 原住民族原住民族基本法自決權美洲人權法院諮商同意權憲法增修條文國際勞工組織第169號公約原住民族權利宣言Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous Peoples Basic LawRight to Self-DeterminationRight to ConsultInter-American Court of Human RightsILO Convention No. 169Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 201909 (158期)
DOI 10.3966/102398202019090158004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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