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Theories of the Right to Dispute for Labor and the Legal Principles of the Exemption from Civil and Criminal Liability in Japan: Extended Study on the Review of the Exemption from Civil and Criminal Liability in Taiwan
作者 張鑫隆
中文摘要 我國勞工之爭議權受憲法基本權所保障之見解已被學說和實務所肯定,二○一一年新修正實施之勞資爭議處理法亦基於此一前提,參考日本勞動組合法相關規定,分別規定爭議行為之民刑事免責效果。因此,本文從比較法的角度,考察了日本第二次大戰前後激烈的爭議手段頻頻發生的時代,到進入經濟高度發展期後爭議行為的激情開始沉澱的時代過程中,爭議權理論和民刑事免責法理的多元發展。日本爭議權理論為克服民刑事責任的障礙,從生存權和自由權兩個對立的權利概念切入來理解爭議權的意義,因而產生了兩極的看法。本研究透過日本法的考察,對於臺灣爭議行為民刑事免責之規定進行檢討,並提出有別於傳統見解之理論建構的意見。
英文摘要 Labors’ right to dispute in Taiwan has been protected by the fundamental rights of the Constitution. Such opinion is validated in both theories and practices. On the premise of the opinion, the Settlement of Labor Disputes Law came into force in 2011, and with reference to the Labor Union Law in Japan the exemption from civil and criminal liability was legislated. However, the theoretical development of the right to dispute in Taiwan is in the beginning stage. Therefore, the theories and the judicial practices in Japan can be used as reference and thus provide us valuable ideas about building the construction of the theory of the right to dispute. In this regard, the study examines the theories of the right to dispute for labor and the legal principles of the exemption from civil and criminal liability in Japan. Moreover, this study provides important aspects about the exemption from civil and criminal liability in Taiwan and brings up critical issues for further research.
起訖頁 199-293
關鍵詞 爭議權集體勞動法團結權爭議行為罷工權團體協商民刑事免責勞資爭議處理法Rights to DisputeCollective Labor LawRight of AssociationLabor Dispute's ActionRight to StrikeCollective BargainingImmunity from Tort and Criminal LiabilityAct for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 201906 (157期)
DOI 10.3966/102398202019060157003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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