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The Exclusionary Rule in the Communication Security and Surveillance Act
作者 李榮耕
中文摘要 為了促使偵查機關遵循通訊保障及監察法的各樣法定程序,立法者於該法中制定有證據排除的規定。該條的規範模式與刑事訴訟法的類似規定相當不同,是以特定條文的違反為適用的要件。這樣的立法方式,同時有著涵蓋過廣及過窄的問題。亦即,並不是所有第5條或第6條所規定所有的事項或程序,都應有證據排除規定的適用,該二條以外的條文也不當然就沒有適用證據排除規定的需要。在參考美國的立法例後,我們的建議是,通訊保障及監察法的證據排除規定應以「通訊監察違法」為要件。再者,在判斷是否構成違法的通訊監察時,可以借鏡美國聯邦最高法院於Giordano案及Chavez案所建立的雙階審查理論,決定是否排除所取得的通訊內容。
英文摘要 In order to make the law enforcement complies with the procedureset by the Communication Security and Surveillance Act (CSSA), thelegislators enacted a provision with respect to the exclusionary rule ofevidence in that act. Only if the police force is in violation of art. 5 or 6,the exclusionary rule in the CSSA applies, which is different from thesimilar provision in the Criminal Procedure Code. Therefore, theexclusionary rule in the CSSA has two issues: over-coverage and undercoverage.Not all violation of those requirements in art. 5 and 6 shouldbe applied by the exclusionary rule. In addition, the aforementioned ruleshould apply to violation of certain provisions other than art. 5 and 6.After referring to the legal framework of the United States, it isrecommended that the exclusionary rule of the CSSA should be revised.The said rule should apply when the interception is unlawful. Moreover,according to the two-level test established by Giordano and Chavez,courts should look into whether the violated provision plays a central role in the communication surveillance law, and then determine whetherthe police substantially disobey the provision at issue. If so, theviolation constitutes unlawful interception and the exclusionary ruleapplies.
起訖頁 261-311
關鍵詞 通訊監察監聽違法通訊監察違法監察證據排除核心地位規定Communication SurveillanceInterceptionUnlawful Communication SurveillanceUnlawful InterceptionThe Exclusionary Rule of EvidenceCentral-Role Provision
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 201903 (156期)
DOI 10.3966/102398202019030156004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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