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The Function of LegitimationUnder Art. 1064 of the Civil Code:A Comparative Observation on theCivil Codes of Main Countries inContinental Europe and the CivilCode of Taiwan
作者 林易典
中文摘要 準正制度之目的,係於非婚生子女於規範上受有不平等對待時,使其能於法定特定情事下取得婚生性,轉換身分並因此適用婚生子女之規範,而於此等情事下與婚生子女平等對待。於認領規範具有身分效果而能發生法律上父子關係時,準正規範於立法政策上即應以經認領為要件,且僅具有取得婚生性之效果而不發生法律上父子關係。惟非婚生子女於我國民法規範下本已被平等對待,其並無透過第1064條準正規範取得婚生性之需求,且第1065條認領規範於發生父子關係之外亦具有取得婚生性之效果,而不妨刪除第1064條準正規範。
英文摘要 The institution of legitimation aims at acquiring legitimacy forillegitimate children subsequently in specific statutory circumstancesand therefore transforming their status while they are unequally treatedbefore law. The provisions for legitimate children are consequentlyapplicable for them and at least in these circumstances they are treatedequally as legitimate children. While recognition of illegitimate child isable to establish the filiation between father and illegitimate child,recognition de lege ferenda shall serve as the requirement oflegitimation under Art. 1064 of the Civil Code. Legitimation shall onlyresult in the effect to acquire legitimacy, not to establish the filiation.Due to the background of equal treatment of illegitimate and legitimate children, the former group has no need for legitimacy. Besides, theeffects of recognition already include establishing both the filiation andlegitimacy according to Art. 1065 of the Civil Code. Thus, it issuggested that the provision of legitimation of Art. 1064 of the CivilCode could be abandoned.
起訖頁 167-259
關鍵詞 準正嗣後婚姻婚生性父子關係血緣連繫非婚生子女婚生子女認領強制認領LegitimationSubsequent MarriageLegitimacyFiliationParentageIllegitimate ChildrenLegitimate ChildrenRecognitionCompulsory Recognition
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 201903 (156期)
DOI 10.3966/102398202019030156003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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