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On the Legal Treatment of the Unexpected Contract by Culpa in Contrahendo
作者 周伯峰
中文摘要 本文涉及如何以締約上過失處理「不受期待之契約」之法律問題,即如何以締約上過失及其損害賠償法上之效果,來面對因一方當事人在締約過程中違反資訊義務,影響他方的意思決定自由,導致其訂立不利益契約致受損害的問題。首先,本文討論在德國法上「不受期待之契約」如何作為締約上過失的一種案例類型,及其相關的理論問題,即締約前的資訊義務的範圍還有以締約上過失處理「不受期待之契約」之正當性之問題。接下來則討論在德國法上以締約上過失處理「不受期待之契約」所產生的法律效果,即契約解消以及契約調整,於實務與學說所產生的爭議。最後,則討論臺灣因為民法第245條之1規定的問題,導致無法用締約上過失處理「不受期待之契約」之困境,還有如何借鏡德國的討論予以突破的可能性。
英文摘要 This study aims to discuss the legal problem on how to treat byculpa in contrahendo the contract that cannot meet the originalexpectation of the parties due to the violation of the information duty inthe course of contract negotiation, also the alleged unexpected contract.In the first part this essay wants to present the situation in German lawrelatedto the following questions: the development of culpa incontrahendo in German; the unexpected contract as a case type of culpain contrahendo; the range of the information duty in the course ofcontract negotiation; and last, the justification for the treatment of theunexpected contract by culpa in contrahendo and the controversy to thelegal effect between the praxis and theory. In the second part this essaytries to reflect on the dilemma that the treatment of the unexpectedcontract by culpa in contrahendo due to the characteristic of Article245-1 of Taiwan’s Civil Code may confrontand provides the possibilityto break through this dilemma by using the experience in German Law.
起訖頁 219-295
關鍵詞 締約上過失前契約義務資訊義務不受期待之契約損害賠償回復原狀金錢賠償Culpa in ContrahendoPre-Contractual DutyInformation DutyUnexpected ContractCompensation of DamageRestitution inIntegrumMonetary Compensation
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 201812 (155期)
DOI 10.3966/102398202018120155004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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