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The Supreme Court’s Awakening: A Case Review Toward the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
作者 陳新民
中文摘要 臺東布農族獵人王光祿因持土製霰彈長槍獵捕保育類動物違反槍砲條例、野生動物保育法等罪判刑三年半定讞。後經檢察總長提起非常上訴。由於本案涉及憲法保障原住民傳統文化等重要議題,最高法院不僅審理此非常上訴案開庭時全程直播法庭開庭實況,創下臺灣司法史上法庭開庭首度直播的紀錄。同時停止審判,向大法官聲請釋憲,這是最高法院首次提起釋憲之例,具有指標性的意義。本文就相關法律對自製獵槍的定義是否過於模糊而有違反法律明確性原則、法官提出聲請釋憲的門檻及相關的釋憲聲請意旨,應如何以憲法原則來衡量,並保障原住民應享有狩獵權及保有獵槍權與是否應藉此建立一套完整的武器法與狩獵法制,以平衡保障原住民傳統文化及維護野生動物。
英文摘要 A Taiwanese aboriginal (Bunun tribe) hunter named Talum(Chinese named Kuang-Lu, Wang) was accused of illegal hunting theprotected species, Muntjac and Long-length goat, by using a shotgun onAugust, 2013. He was convicted to three and half years imprisonmentand a fine of NTD seventy thousands (7,000) with two accusations,illegal possession of guns and illegal hunting for two endangeredspecies by the High Court. His appeal to the Highest Court was rejectedby Taiwan’s Highest Court on October, 2015.As such hunting by the aboriginal people involves not only theirway of making living, but also the traditional culture that goes backhundred of years, which inflicts controversy of basic human right underconstitutional law. Taiwan Highest Court initiated an un-precedent weblive broadcast of the trial proceeding to the general public. After severalarguments, Taiwan Highest Court pronounced the stay of the trial due to unsolvable controversy of constitutional right and therefore movedfor constitutional interpretation proceeding by Taiwan ConstitutionalCourt.This article discusses the conflicts between protection ofaboriginal livelihood under constitutional law and illegal hunting underArticle 20, Section 1 of Controlling Guns, Ammunition and Knives Actand Article 40, Section 1 of Wildlife Conservation Act, which alsoinflicts Principle of Legal Certainty in defining shotgun under both lawsand applicable constitutional principle to determine the Petition forConstitutional Interpretation as a whole and relevant reasons to raisesuch petition. In addition, the legal system to protect such aboriginalright, the right to hold and use the gun and hunt the animal, in thisarticle, is suggested to be constructed more thoroughly with regard tolaws of guns and hunting sport in order to persevere dynamic balancebetween aboriginal culture and animal protection.
起訖頁 1-58
關鍵詞 王光祿原住民權益保障自用獵槍釋憲門檻狩獵權武器法TalumIndigenous Rights Protectionthe Culture of Taiwanese AboriginesControlling GunsAmmunition and Knives ActWildlife Conservation ActHunting RightWeapons ActAffirmative ActionEqual RightJudicial Review
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 201812 (155期)
DOI 10.3966/102398202018120155001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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