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The Reform and Envision of the Parliament’s Investigation Power
作者 李寧修
中文摘要 立法院作為我國最高立法機關,除得藉由質詢及邀請備詢獲取資訊外,透過司法院大法官解釋,進一步型塑出調閱、調查等權力,以確保其制衡能量之發揮。惟立法院調查權之行使,自司法院釋字第585號解釋問世至今,仍屬當前國會改革的未竟之役。本文首先由權力分立原則出發,探討國會調查權之性質、內涵與當今法制發展之趨勢(貳);其次,借鏡德國國會調查權於憲法及法律層級規範之架構與制度設計,提供法制上之比較及參酌(參);最後,就我國當前國會調查權所面臨之困境與挑戰,嘗試提出包括:行使要件之明確化、透明公開程序之建立、內外部衝突之消弭以及調查權限爭議之解決機制等個人的觀察與建議(肆),期得作為未來國會調查權法制化之參考。
英文摘要 Parliament as the representative of people naturally should fulfill its duty to oversee the government authorities. As the highest legislative authority in Taiwan, the Legislative Yuan can not only obtain information from interpellation but also—through the interpretation of the Judicial Yuan’s Justices—further develop substantive powers such as the power to access information and investigate. However, after the interpretation of Judicial Yuan No. 585 has been made, the legal system of the Legislative Yuan’s power to investigate still has not been built. For the purpose of exploring and establishing the legal framework of Taiwan’s parliament investigation power, this article will first start from the principle of separation of powers to discuss the nature and meaning of the investigation power, and the trend of nowadays legal system. Moreover, the framework and system design of the German’s parliament investigation power on the level of constitution and law will be taken as an example. This article will analyze the elements, formation, operation, distribution of power and remedies of the parliament’s investigation power in Germany to provide comparison and reference to Taiwan’s legal system. At last, due to the dilemma and challenge which Taiwan faces when enforcing the parliament investigation power, some personal observations and suggestions will be provided such as clarifying the legal requirements of exercising the power, establishment of a transparent and public investigation procedure, eliminating the internal and external conflicts and the resolution of investigation power disputes. Hopefully these observations and suggestions could be used as reference for the future institutionalization of the parliament’s investigation power in Taiwan.
起訖頁 83-149
關鍵詞 權力分立原則立法院國會調查權文件調閱權德國國會調查委員會法Principle of Separation of PowersLegislative YuanParliament’s Investigation PowerRight of Access to DocumentsGerman Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry Act
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 201809 (154期)
DOI 10.3966/102398202018090154002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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