篇名 | 少年修復式司法的批判性考察——從少年的最佳利益到利益衡平? |
並列篇名 | A Critical Analysis of Restorative Youth Justice: From Juvenile's Best Interests to Balanced Restorative Approach |
作者 | 謝如媛 |
中文摘要 | 修復式司法運用於少年事件已成為刑事政策上重要議題。然而,在嚴罰化及被害人地位提升的趨勢底下,修復式司法若著重在各方利益(加害人、被害人、社區)的衡平,可能與促進少年健全成長的目的相違背。片面強調少年認錯道歉的重要性、並要求負起修復的責任,可能使得少年非行的社會經濟脈絡被忽視、掩蓋,以「究責」為目的的作法也會減損少年司法的福利色彩,並影響少年最佳利益的考量。本文從少年認錯的心理過程、少年司法應如何看待少年面對被害(人)的態度、以究責為目的並將非行責任個人化的問題點、少年的社會融合等觀點進行分析、檢討與建議,以期修復式司法在少年事件的運用能夠更謹慎而完善。 |
英文摘要 | The recent Restorative Youth Justice has become one of the most important topics of criminal policies. The Balanced Restorative Justice emphasizes that community, victim, and offender should receive balanced attention. And all three should gain tangible benefits from their interactions with the juvenile justice system. However, in the prevailing penal climate and movements of victim’s rights, the principles of restorative justice may be narrowly interpreted to give undue weight to the responsibilisation of youth offenders. The end result is that the socio-economic causes of juvenile delinquency will be obscured. This article aims to offer a critical analysis of restorative youth justice while also elaborate on the process of youth offender’s remorse, the expectation of remorse in youth court, the negative effects of giving undue weight to the responsibilisation of youth offenders, and reintegration in restorative justice theory and practices, hoping that the idea of restorative justice will be better secured. |
起訖頁 | 125-186 |
關鍵詞 | 少年、修復式司法、被害人參與、被害陳述、少年的最佳利益、 健全成長、責任、悔悟、社會融入、再統合、Juvenile、Youth Offender、Youth Act、Restorative Justice、Victim Involvement、Victim Impact Statements、Best Interests、Youth Development、Responsibility、Accountability、Remorse、Social Inclusion、Reintegrate |
刊名 | 政大法學評論 |
出版單位 | 國立政治大學法律學系 |
期數 | 201803 (152期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102398202018030152003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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