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Discussion on Police Deterrence of Danger and Litigation of Criminal
作者 陳英淙
中文摘要 行政權與司法權係兩個獨立且相互制衡的運轉機制,警察既隸屬於內政部,復又必須接受檢察官的指揮偵查,故警察任務與職權分屬行政與司法性質乃勢所必然,本文首先探討其危害防止和刑事追訴的本質。

英文摘要 Executive power and judicial power are two independent mechanisms that check and balance each other under the concept of the separation of powers. While the police is subordinate to the Ministry of Interior, according to the Code of Criminal Procedure, it is subject to the investigations of prosecutors. In this research, the nature of deterrence of danger on executive power and litigation of criminal on judicial power are first discussed.
Due to the diverse nature of both executive power and judicial power, difficulties on judgment and classification often occur when the police exercise their power. Hence, the dual functions of police should be clarified to resolve the conflicts. However, the Code of Criminal Procedure states that “… may be arrested by force..., but such force may not be excessive.” The statement has attracted criticism due to its relatively ambiguous definition which violates the principle of clarity of a Legal state. In addition, it is necessary to clarify the different types of force as well as other essential conditions regarding the forced exercise of law.
This research aims to discuss the nature of task and duty of police on administration and judicature, the discrimination and combination on deterrence of danger, and the litigation of criminal. Several guidelines on the legislation of law as well as legal concept in Taiwan are also addressed in this research. Two cases studies are further provided to validate the argument stated in this research.
起訖頁 91-150
關鍵詞 危害防止刑事追訴警察雙重功能措施整捆措施司法行政處分縮短程序之即時強制直接強制Deterrence of DangerLitigation of CriminalDual Functions of PoliceMassnahmenbuendelAdministrative Act on JudicialImmediate CoercionDirect Compulsory
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 201712 (151期)
DOI 10.3966/102398202017120151002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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