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A Preliminary Study on the Incrimination of Trading in Influence
作者 許恒達
中文摘要 我國已經將聯合國反貪腐公約內國法化,而公約要求處罰收受賄賂而請託主管公務員的影響力交易行為,未來如何因應,即為立法上必須處理的棘手難題。本文即討論公務員斡旋賄賂罪及影響力交易罪是否及如何入罪化的問題,討論脈絡先從公約內容及德國、日本、法國、奧地利等立法例的比較檢討切入觀察,接著分析我國現行貪污刑法中既有的相關規範有無處罰缺口,然後再從法益保護及規範必要性等面向,檢討構成要件的設計走向,最後則提出筆者建議未來的立法條文。

英文摘要 Taiwan has incorporated United Nations Convention against Corruption of 2003 into domestic laws, demanding our Government to take legislative measures to establish a criminal offense for punishing trading in influence. In response to the needs of incrimination, this article aims to discuss the possible ways of its criminal regulation. In consideration of similar provisions of Germany, Japan, France and Austria, as well as the protective interests concerning corruption offenses, the is study aims to analyze the normative essentiality of criminalizing trading in influence under Taiwan’s criminal law system and makes efforts to propose a legislative suggestion regarding criminal offense of trading in influence.
起訖頁 113-197
關鍵詞 聯合國反貪腐公約影響力交易公務員斡旋賄賂賄賂圖利貪污UN Convention against Corruption of 2003Trading in InfluenceTrading in Influence committed by Public OfficialsBriberyIllegal Profits from Misuses of SupervisionCorruption
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 201709 (150期)
DOI 10.3966/102398202017090150003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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