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Offsets Against Emplyed Overworked Doctors’ Negligence in a Damage Suit for an Occupational Accident: Comments on the (102) Jhong-Lao-Shang No.1 Decision Rendered by the Taiwan High Court Tainan Branch Court
作者 徐婉寧
英文摘要 The (102) Jhong-Lao-Shang No.1 Decision Rendered by the Taiwan High Court Tainan Branch Court is the first judicial decision which held that it is the hospital’s responsibility for damages under the Civil Code. It defined the employed doctors as labors and held that the Act for Protecting Worker of Occupational Accidents shall be applicable despite the fact the Labor Standards Act is not applicable. However, an offset based on the employed doctor’s negligence was recognized, and the subject shall be responsible for 65% of the damages due to the improper performance of the duty to care for health. According to Civil Code § 217, Offsets against victims’ negligence is recognized in determining the final amount of damages, but whether it shall be limited or modified in a damage suit for an occupational accident is seldom discussed in Taiwan. This thesis not only gives comments on the (102) Jhong-Lao- Shang No.1 Decision Rendered by the Taiwan High Court Tainan Branch Court, but also discusses the issues aforementioned and does the comparative study on Japan. 
起訖頁 259-304
關鍵詞 與有過失民法第二一七條職業災害職災勞工保護法Offsets Against Victims’ NegligenceCivil Code § 217
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 201609 (146期)
DOI 10.3966/102398202016090146005  複製DOI  DOI申請

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