篇名 | 民法第四八三條之一之研究 |
並列篇名 | Civil Code § 483-1: A Comparative Study on Japan and Taiwan |
作者 | 徐婉寧 |
中文摘要 | 民法債編於一九九九年時,增訂了民法第四八三條之一,明文規定「受僱人服勞務,其生命、身體、健康有受危害之虞者,僱用人應按其情形為必要之預防。」將僱用人之保護照顧義務予以明文化。然而由於民法第四八三條之一乃係一抽象規定,對於保護照顧義務之具體內容並未詳加論述,因此如何特定保護照顧義務之內容,據以主張僱用人之債務不履行損害賠償責任,對受僱人而言即為一棘手的課題。此外,關於保護照顧義務的性質、僱用人違反民法第四八三條之一時之效果,學說上仍有爭議;且自債編修正以來,縱使實務上已累積了相當的案例,學界對民法第四八三條之一相關的研究仍十分有限,且欠缺對我國近年來的實務見解為進一步分析整理之探討。因此,本文擬以實務見解為中心,先探討保護照顧義務之性質,進一步去探究其具體內容及其與勞工安全衛生法規、性別工作平等法中性騷擾防治義務之關係。隨後分析其與民法第一八四條第二項、第四八七條之一的關係,最後進行日本法之介紹與探討,冀透過比較法的觀察,對於我國民法第四八三條之一之發展及實務上的運作能有所助益。 |
英文摘要 | Civil Code § 483-1 was enacted and promulgated in 1999, and so the employer’s duty to care for employee safety and health becomes a statutory one. However, when the employee pursues the employer’s responsibility for damages in the legal context of an exploration of liability for non-performance of an obligation in a contract relationship under the Civil Code, it is very difficult for the employee to specify the content of the violation of the duty to care for safety because Civil Code § 483-1 is very abstract. In praxis of Jurisdiction in Taiwan it seems unusual to specify the actual content of such duty on the part of the employer; neither do scholarly opinions. From the both theoretical and practical aspects, through the analyses of the relationship between Civil Code § 483-1 and the Labor Safety and Health Act and the Gender Equality in Employment Act, the relationship among Civil Code § 483- 1, § 487-1, and § 184, and the cases in Taiwan, this research will construct a framework of the actual content of the employer’s duty to care for safety. |
起訖頁 | 239-304 |
關鍵詞 | 保護照顧義務、勞工安全衛生法、保護他人之法律、債務不履行、民法第四八三條之一、民法第四八七條之一、性別工作平等法、性騷擾、Employer’s Duty to Care for Employee Safety and Health、Labor Safety and Health Act、Civil Code § 483-1、Civil Code § 487-1、Responsibility for Damages under the Civil Code、Gender Equality in Employment Act、 Sexual Harassment、Employment Injury 68 |
刊名 | 政大法學評論 |
出版單位 | 國立政治大學法律學系 |
期數 | 201409 (138期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102398202014090138004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
QRCode | |