篇名 | 南部某醫學中心中醫常見疾病與處方用藥探討 |
並列篇名 | Common Diseases and Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions at a Medical Center Hospital in Southern Taiwan |
作者 | 鄭宇眞、胡文龍、蔡明諺、黃升騰、陳志文、洪裕強 |
中文摘要 | 目的:探討南部某醫學中心中醫部處方用藥頻率與就醫型態常見之疾病。 方法:採用回溯性研究,擷取HIS 資料庫中自2009 年至2012 年期間中醫處方數據,對常用中藥品項之分類(包含科學中藥單味藥及複方)、使用頻率與患者就醫常見十大疾病之分析比較。 結果:2009-2012 年間,南部某醫學中心中醫門診前十大疾病第一位為軟組織之其他疾患,其次為過敏性鼻炎、其他背部疾患、其他關節疾患、腦動脈阻塞、功能性消化道疾患、糖尿病、腦血管疾病後遺症等疾病。中醫住院第一位為腦血管疾病後遺症,其次為惡性腫瘤、術後療養、半身麻痺、其他大腦退化等疾患。目前台灣中醫以科學中藥為主要處方模式,該中心科學中藥單味藥及複方使用率之第一位,分別為丹參與加味逍遙散。統計結果亦顯示南部民眾對中醫的使用率逐年提升。 結論:本研究具中醫臨床參考價值,藉由分析中醫常見十大疾病以及常用科學中藥之間的關聯性,可提供其他中醫師臨床處方用藥之參考。 |
英文摘要 | Objective: To explore the frequency of prescribing drugs and the various commonly encountered diseases at a department of Chinese medicine of a southern medical center. Methods: Data pertaining to traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions from 2009 to 2012 stated in the Health Information System (HIS) database were selected. These data were used to conduct a retrospective analysis and compare the classification (including individual and compound drugs used in scientific traditional Chinese medications) and the frequency of prescription of commonly used traditional Chinese medicines as well as to identify the 10 most common diseases. Results: Between 2009 and 2012, soft tissue diseases were the most common diseases encountered at the traditional Chinese medicine department of the southern medical center, followed by allergic rhinitis, back problems, joint diseases, cerebral artery occlusion, functional gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease sequelae, and the other two diseases. The most common diseases that patients had been hospitalized were cerebrovascular disease sequelae, followed by malignant tumors, postoperative convalescence, hemiplegia, degenerative brain disorders, and other diseases. Traditional scientific Chinese medication is mainly prescribed in traditional Chinese medical practices in Taiwan. The most frequently used individual and compound traditional Chinese medications at this medical center are the roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza and Jia-Wei-Xiao-Yao-San, respectively. Statistical data also revealed that the usage frequency of traditional Chinese medicines by people in the southern region is increasing every year. Conclusions: This study was of clinical importance in tradition Chinese medical practice. Analysis of the 10 most common diseases encountered in traditional Chinese medical practice and the relevance of the most commonly used traditional scientific Chinese medications would serve as a reference for traditional Chinese medical doctors while prescribing drugs. |
起訖頁 | 083-096 |
關鍵詞 | 科學中藥、中醫常見十大疾病、中醫藥 |
刊名 | 中醫藥雜誌 |
出版單位 | 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所) |
期數 | 201406 (25:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101764462014062501006 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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