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The Obstacles to Develop Integration of Chinese-Western medicine in Post-war Taiwan: Preliminary Study in Cases of Du Congming and Yung Sibiao
作者 劉士永
中文摘要 儘管西洋醫學從日治時期以後成為台灣醫療之主流,但隱身於民俗療法或民間療法的中(漢) 醫並未完全於台灣社會褪色。甚且如杜聰明等深受西洋醫學影響者,更在1930 年代大聲疾呼以科學方法研究傳統中醫與藥材。然而,來自西醫界的反對聲浪始終強烈,不僅戰後杜氏力主在台大設立中醫科與相關實驗醫院的努力功敗垂成,至台大醫學院第7 任院長(1983-1985)的楊思標力倡中西醫學合治也徒呼負負。本文將以兩人為例,略述戰後台灣發展中西整合醫學的躓踣,並從結構性思考造成此等困境之可能原因。
英文摘要 Despite increasing domination of western medicine in colonial Taiwan, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has never faded out by coating with the names of fork therapy. People under the influence of western medicine like Du Congming, had encouraged the scientific study on Chinese medicine and herbs in the 1930s, but been strongly frustrated by his colleagues. Similar hostile attitude keeps crashing the effort to promote education and research of Traditional Chinese Medicine by Du and his successor Yung Sibiao (1983-1985). This paper aims to mark their promotion of TCM education in Taiwan along with author’s insight of their failure in conclusion.
起訖頁 111-122
關鍵詞 戰後臺灣杜聰明楊思標中西醫學整合中醫教育
刊名 中醫藥雜誌
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
期數 201312 (24:特刊1期)
DOI 10.3966/101764462013122403008  複製DOI  DOI申請

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