篇名 | 中醫治療第二型糖尿病之病例報告 |
並列篇名 | Traditional Chinese Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus—A Case Report |
作者 | 張順昌、許博期、侯俊成、羅綸謙 |
中文摘要 | 本病例為一位42 歲女性,於2010 年6 月檢查空腹血糖偏高(270 mg/dL),伴有吃多、喝多、尿多、體重減少等高血糖狀態「三多一少」的典型症狀,西醫診斷為第二型糖尿病。患者於同年07 月至彰化基督教醫院中醫部門診就診,臨床診斷為消渴,證屬腎精虧虛,陰虛燥熱,氣津兩傷,兼有下焦濕熱。依照疾病階段不同分別給予白虎加參湯、左歸丸為主方加減治療;初期以清熱瀉火、益氣生津為主要治法,中後期轉以補腎填精為法,鞏固療效。在近一年單純以中醫藥辨證治療下,不僅臨床症狀大有改善,且糖化血色素也下降,因此提供作為中醫治療第二型糖尿病的臨床經驗參考。 |
英文摘要 | This 42 y/o female was found elevated fasting blood sugar with the common symptoms of hyperglycemia including increased thirst, increased hunger, frequent urination and body weight loss and diagnosed as type 2 diabetes mellitus in June 2010. Starting from July 2010, the patient began to receive the treatment from Department of Chinese Medicine, Changhua Christian Hospital. The illnes was diagnosed as “wasting-thirst disease” with insufficiency of kidney essence, yin deficiency with dryness-heat, exuberant heat damaging qi and fluid, and lower energizer dampness-heat. According to the different stages of wasting-thirst disease, Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang and Zuo Gui Wan were mainly prescribed. During the initial stage, clear heat and purge fire with replenish qi and engender fluid were the major methods of treatment followed by tonify the kidney essence to retain the efficacy. After pattern identification and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine for one more year, symptoms relieved and glycated hemoglobin decreased. The result suggested us confidently that Chinese medicine would provide better medical care for type 2 diabetes mellitus. |
起訖頁 | 319-330 |
關鍵詞 | 糖尿病、消渴、中醫、病例報告 |
刊名 | 中醫藥雜誌 |
出版單位 | 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所) |
期數 | 201312 (24:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101764462013122402011 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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