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The Protection of the Rights of Sexual Minorities under ICCPR
作者 林郁璇
中文摘要 本文透過爬梳整理《公民與政治權利國際公約》(International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ICCPR)(下稱《公政公約》)的條文、一般性意見及申訴案件,分析《公政公約》如何落實對於性少數群體的保障。本文發現,雖然條文中僅提及性(sex)的平等,然而,人權事務委員會(Human Rights Committee)透過對於條文的闡釋以及個別申訴案件中的適用,開啟性別更為廣義的光譜,不再僅僅關注生理性別與社會性別的性別平等議題,更擴及至性傾向、性別認同、性別裝扮等概念。在隱私權的保護上,消極面上,除保護個人性別自我認同及性傾向之資訊隱私外,亦保障個人所展現之性別裝扮、言行舉止不受恣意侵害,更蘊有以其性別認同與他人和社會來往之積極意涵。此外,雖然《公政公約》允許以維護道德作為限制表意自由之目的,然而必須以不歧視原則作為前提,是以,倘締約國以道德為由而限制發表與性傾向或性別認同相關之言論,將可能違反《公政公約》對於言論自由之保障。再者,雖然《公政公約》迄今仍未課予締約國有使同性締結婚姻之義務,然而,透過將婚姻與家庭生活分野,以及禁止歧視規定之落實,使得同性伴侶在家庭生活及其相關事務領域上,獲得實質的權利保護。最後,關於經常受援引為主張的禁止歧視規定,本文注意到,人權事務委員會在締約國基於性傾向或性別認同為差別待遇時,有從嚴審查的情形,締約國對於差別待遇的正當性負有加重之舉證責任,不因所涉之事務領域僅為社會福利給付層面而有較寬的裁量空間,締約國亦不得以傳統文化為由解免平等之落實,對於性少數族群達到相當程度的保障效果。
英文摘要 This article analyzes the protection of the rights of sexual minorities under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). An examination of the article of the Covenant and General Comments and Views in individual communications, reveals that ICCPR has extended sex/gender equality to the concept of sexual orientation and gender identity. The Human Rights Committee (HRC) considers that the right to privacy not only includes the choice to disclose or not to disclose information relating to one’s sexual orientation or gender identity, but also protects the expression of gender identity from unlawful or arbitrary attacks. Besides, limitations on freedom of speech for the purpose of protecting morals must be understood in the light of universality of human rights and the principle of non-discrimination. Therefore, limitations on freedom of speech on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity may amounts to the violation of the Covenant. Moreover, even though there is no obligation to allow same-sex marriage under ICCPR, the HRC acknowledges the existence of various forms of family, and has been willing to guarantee same sex couples of family-related benefits. Last but not least, the HRC places a heavy burden on the State party to explain the reason for the differentiation based on sexual orientation and gender identity, thus enhance the rights and freedoms of sexual minorities.
起訖頁 573-611
關鍵詞 公民與政治權利國際公約性少數族群性傾向性別認同跨性別ICCPRSexual MinoritiesSexual OrientationGender IdentityTransgender
刊名 憲政時代
出版單位 中華民國憲法學會
期數 201804 (43:4期)
DOI 10.3966/101665132018044304004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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