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Judiciary and Distrust: The Constitutional Issue on Citizen Participation in Judicial System
作者 林春元
中文摘要 因應人民對司法的不信任,司法院推動人民參與審判。相關法案引起各方爭議,其中更涉及合憲性的問題。人民參與審判制度是否有其憲法界限?目前的草案是否合憲?本文從民主、司法及不信任的面向探討人民參審制的界限,並且嘗試分析目前「國民參與刑事審判法」的合憲性。本文認為,人民參與審判的議題一方面涉及民主社會對於司法濫權的不信任議題,嘗試透過民主精神節制司法;另方面卻又必須面對憲法不信任民主的課題,因此人民參審制度的合憲性,必須在雙重不信任的脈絡下分析。具體的界限包括:憲法權力分立原則對於司法權的分配與設計;正當程序與人民訴訟權保障的要求;其他基本權限制。本文初步認為,目前草案沒有嚴重的違憲疑慮,唯其是否能確實強化人民對司法之信任,仍有許多在此制度之外的議題需重視。
英文摘要 Citizen’s participation in judicial trial is one important policy of Taiwan’s judicial reform. Relevant bills have invited criticisms, including constitutional challenges. Does the Constitution limit the direction of citizen’s participation in judicial trials? To what extent the current proposal unconstitutional? This article inquires into the issue from the perspective of trust and analyzes the constitutionality of current proposal. This article argues that, the Constitution does not trust judiciary and democracy, it makes the two check each other to reach the balance. Through this perspective, the concrete constitutional restraints are: whether the proposal violate the principle of separation of powers, violate the right to due process of law, and other fundamental rights. This article concludes that, although the proposal may be constitutional, it needs much more effort to increase public’s trust on the judiciary.
起訖頁 381-423
關鍵詞 人民參審國民法官司法獨立Citizen Participation in Judicial SystemLay JudgesJudicial Independence
刊名 憲政時代
出版單位 中華民國憲法學會
期數 201801 (43:3期)
DOI 10.3966/101665132018014303004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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