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The Remedies for Administrative Regulations in Judicial Review: An Analysis on Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 742 (2016)
作者 林孟楠
中文摘要 司法院釋字第742號解釋肯定人民可對具有法規性質之都市計畫提起行政訴訟,寓有人民可對法規命令逕行提起訴訟之契機,可謂訴訟權保障之突破。但本號解釋忽略公法上爭議之概念,漠視一般確認訴訟及給付訴訟之可能性,對於訴訟法之理論發展,卻未必妥當。本文嘗試從公法上爭議及救濟時間點之角度,重新界定本號解釋於訴訟權保障之意義,釐清法規命令之爭訟特質。自公法上爭議而言,救濟對象不應以行政處分為判斷標準,而應以權利保護必要為標準。自救濟時間點而言,一般確認訴訟及預防性不作為訴訟乃是對違法法規命令之及時有效權利保護手段。
英文摘要 Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 742 recognized that citizens can bring an action against urban plans in judicial review, and this may also be considered as a ruling that citizens can bring an action against administrative regulations before there is any enforcement. But this Interpretation didn’t explain how dispute about administrative regulations will become legal dispute and why citizens cannot bring declaratory judgment or injunction against administrative rules. This paper analyzes this Interpretation and discusses its implications and some potential problems. This paper also points out that the availability of judicial review should not only based on administrative dispositions but it can be extended to cases and controversies, and declaratory judgment or injunction will be effective remedies against administrative regulations.
起訖頁 343-379
關鍵詞 法規命令公法上爭議訴之利益確認訴訟預防性不作為訴訟Administrative RegulationsLegal Dispute in Public LawCases and ControversiesDeclaratory JudgmentInjunction
刊名 憲政時代
出版單位 中華民國憲法學會
期數 201801 (43:3期)
DOI 10.3966/101665132018014303003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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