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The Study of the Explanation in Semi-Presidentialism Presidential Authority of the R.O.C. Constitution: Administrative President or Arbitral President?
作者 項程華謝國璋
中文摘要 本文先從Maurice Duverger的半總統制定義出發,將學界所提出的相關概念歸 納為廣義半總統制、狹義半總統制及雙行政首長制三種類型,並認為應以行政權 作為界定標準,進而區分「行政總統」與「非行政總統」兩大範疇。就非行政總 統的內涵而論,又可分為「虛位總統」及「仲裁總統」的次級類型。針對後者的思想起源,可以追溯至法國大革命時期的政治理論家Benjamin Constant,其指出國 家元首居於獨立超然之崇高地位,藉此行使某些調解或仲裁權力部門間衝突的特 定權限。其次,透過多國憲法條文的檢視,發現廣義半總統制內的確存有「錯誤 分類」的瑕疵,主張半總統制底下應分為「仲裁總統」、「行政總統」及「仲裁 -行政總統」較為適當。最後,本文回到我國憲法總統職權的分析,發現我國總 統具備仲裁總統的角色功能,但並無行政總統的憲法定位,並就總統如何扮演 「憲法仲裁者」提出衷心建議。
英文摘要 This article attempted to begin with the exploration of Maurice Duverger’s definitions and summarize relevant concepts popular among scholars into three regime types, including “broad semi-presidentialism”, “narrow semi-presidentialism” and “dual-executive system”. Furthermore, the above can be defined into two categories of “executive president” and “non-executive president” according to the criterion of executive power. In terms of the substance of non-executive president, this category can further be divided into two subtypes of “figurehead president” and “arbitral president”; the latter has its origins which can be traced back to Benjamin Constant, the political theorist in the French Revolution period, contended that the Head of State should stay independent, unaffected in order to exercise certain powers to mediate or arbitrate conflicts between state authorities. Moreover, by examining constitutional provisions of sixteen countries, apparently there is a flaw in the misclassification of broad semipresidentialism; thus, we suggested that it might be more proper to divide the category of semi-presidentialism into “arbitral president”, “executive president” and “hybrid president”. Finally, as to the presidential powers defined in our constitution, we found that Taiwan president plays the part of an arbitral president rather than an executive president. In view of this, we proposed some thoughts on the matter.
起訖頁 181-209
關鍵詞 半總統制雙行政首長制行政總統仲裁總統Semi-PresidentialismDual-Executive SystemExecutive PresidentArbitral President
刊名 憲政時代
出版單位 中華民國憲法學會
期數 201710 (43:2期)
DOI 10.3966/101665132017104302002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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