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The German Administrative Court Decision on the Right of Access to the Media Regarding the Documents of the Academic Department of the German Federal Diet
作者 吳信華
中文摘要 本文為一個德國聯邦行政法院判決(之簡要版)及二位作者對之簡評的迻譯,案例事實為某記者向國會中某部門請求相關處理之完稿報告被拒絕後所提起的訴訟問題,法院即為判決。法律上的爭點則涉及德國「資訊自由法」相關資訊使用之(原則與除外)條文的解釋與適用,以及國會相關部門所處理完稿報告之「客觀與政治中立性」的問題。此外本裁判亦特別就此一公部門之文件於「著作權法」中之著作權保護與資訊公開之關係為詳細論證,另亦涉及依此所衍生資訊依照「資訊後續利用法」的相關問題,凡此在現行「開放政府」之思維下,對吾國法制當有諸多可資參考之處。
英文摘要 This is a translation of a German Administrative Court Decision (brief) together with two short Commentaries. The concerned case involves a media reporter who had applied to the Parliament (Federal Diet) for access to certain document but was declined, thus petitioned to the Administrative Court and obtained a Decision. This case brings out legal issues regarding interpretation and application of German Freedom of Information Act as well as the objectivity and neutrality of the Federal Diet documents. The judgment also elaborates the relationship between copy right protection and information disclosure. In addition, the court deliberates on whether the Information Follow-up Law governs the derivative information of governmental documents. This German Decision may serve as good reference on developing the “Open Government” legislation in Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 (德國)聯邦眾議院(德國)資訊自由法(德國)資訊後續利用法資訊接近使用政府資訊公開法(Germany) The Bundestag (Federal Diet)(Germany) Freedom of Information Act(Germany) Information Follow-up LawAccess to the MediaOpenness of Government Information Law
刊名 憲政時代
出版單位 中華民國憲法學會
期數 201707 (43:1期)
DOI 10.3966/101665132017074301001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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