篇名 | 公務員懲戒罰法理實務與兩罰問題之研究 |
並列篇名 | Approach of Disciplinary Punishment against Public Functionaries on Legal Principle & Practice, and Problems of Double Jeopardy |
作者 | 馮惠平 |
中文摘要 | 公務員懲戒罰兼具「懲罰」與「儆戒」性質,對於部屬懲戒之發動及其處罰之輕重寬嚴,理論上屬於主管長官之裁量權限,惟基於人權保障,我國憲法第77條明定,將公務員懲戒交由司法院掌理。雖學界與釋憲實務上,多肯認公務員懲戒、懲處實質及目的具有同一性。但在現行懲戒懲處制度雙軌併行運作時,事實上重複進行了究責程序。這樣的作法無視於當事人暴露於追究同一責任之重複程序中危險的現象,似與法治國家人權保障之圖像,未盡相符。爰本文認為,欲澈底解決公務員懲戒一事二罰現象,讓我國邁入真正民主法治國家之林,其途徑有二:第一途徑是採懲戒、懲處程序整合方案,以實體解決司法、行政權限劃分問題。第二途徑係採懲戒、懲處程序擇一方案。 |
英文摘要 | The disciplinary punishment upon public functionaries contains both the substances of punishment and discipline, which is theoretically conferred to superior officers. While in order to ensure human rights protection pursuant to Article 77 of Constitution, the Judicial Yuan is now in charge of disciplinary measures against public functionaries. Although most of our scholars agree that both the disciplinary actions and measures could be regulated in different acts and carried out in parallel for the same purpose, they are actually repetitive, which could cause double jeopardy on public functionaries, and violate the basic principle of human right protection under the rule of law. In an effort to solve this problem, in this paper two ways will be considered. One is to integrate all of these disciplinary actions and measures as to make clear competence separation between the executive and judicial powers. And another is to select only one from these two systems. |
起訖頁 | 57-90 |
關鍵詞 | 懲戒罰、一事不二罰原則、免除職務、撤職、考績免職、Disciplinary Punishment、The Principle of Double Jeopardy |
刊名 | 憲政時代 |
出版單位 | 中華民國憲法學會 |
期數 | 201607 (42:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101665132016074201003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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