篇名 | 「地方選務之辦理」法律問題初探──以地方選舉委員會之組織及職權為中心 |
並列篇名 | A Preliminary Study of Legal Issues Related to the Conduct of Local Electoral Affairs: Focus on the Organizations and Authorities of the Local Election Commissions |
作者 | 謝碩駿 |
中文摘要 | 本文之研究目的,乃在討論地方選務辦理時所涉之相關法律問題。就內容架構而言,本文可分成兩大部分,分別從組織法以及行為法之角度,剖析現行地方選務辦理之待解疑義。在組織法的部分,本文一方面說明地方選務之辦理乃地方自治事項,另一方面並指出地方選委會實屬中央機關。同時,本文亦就地方選務辦理之監督問題,予以探討。在行為法的部分,本文針對地方選委會之重要法定職權,一一提出評述,並就現行制度之缺失,提出修法建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to discuss legal problems related to the conduct of local electoral affairs. Structurally, this article can be divided into two parts, namely, viewpoints of the organic law as well as the active law. With regard to the viewpoint of the organic law, on the one hand, this article shows that the conduct of local electoral affairs is situated in the area of the local self-government. On the other hand, this article pinpoints that the Local Election Commissions actually belong to the central authority. Moreover, issues in the supervision of the conduct of local electoral affairs are explored. With respect to the viewpoint of the active law, the legal powers of the Local Election Commissions are commented in this study. In order to repair the defects of the present system, this paper finally makes some legislative suggestions. |
起訖頁 | 357-420 |
關鍵詞 | 地方選舉、地方選務、中央選舉委員會、地方選舉委員會、公職人員選舉罷免法、Local Election、Local Electoral Affairs、Central Election Commission、Local Election Commissions、Act Concerning the Election and Recall of Popularly Elected Officials |
刊名 | 憲政時代 |
出版單位 | 中華民國憲法學會 |
期數 | 201601 (41:3期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101665132016014103001 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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