篇名 | 從國會自律到政黨民主?──從九月政爭談政黨的憲政影響與規範可能 |
並列篇名 | From Congress Autonomy to Political Party Democracy?: The Case of September Political Storm in Taiwan |
作者 | 林春元 |
中文摘要 | 2013年9月,因為立法院長王金平的關說,引發總統透過黨紀處分撤銷黨籍,使其喪失不分區立委與立法院院長的資格,引起總統行為是否侵犯國會自律原則的爭辯。究竟國會自律原則的內涵如何?在本案脈絡中應該如何詮釋?法院又如何為本案的僵局尋找出路? 本文從我國憲政體制與政黨政治的脈絡探究此一問題,最後透過臺北地方法院102年度訴字第3782號判決,嘗試釐清問題的癥結與可能解方。 本文主張,「政黨」的關鍵因素在既有的討論中被嚴重忽略。在臺灣憲政體制與政黨政治的發展下,政黨已經成為左右民主政治與政府運作的關鍵。國會自律原則的解釋也必須視政黨在政府的組成而不同。法院透過「政黨民主」的要求回應本案的爭議,創造了另一個解決衝突的途徑。 |
英文摘要 | September 2014, because of the Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng’s alleged influence peddling, the President made a party disciplinary order to repeal the membership of Wang in KMT and therefore challenged his status of Legislative Yuan Speaker. Whether the President’s action violates the principle of Congress Autonomy triggered serious debate. What is the meaning of congress autonomy? How to apply the principle in this case? How court involves and solve the case are questions to be addressed in this article. This article inquires the principle of congress autonomy through the constitutional structure and the development of party politics in Taiwan, and then looks into the judgment made by the district court. This article argues that, the importance of political party has been seriously underestimated in existing constitutional jurisprudence. In Taiwan, political party has become the dominant power affecting the democratic politics and the operation of the government, and therefore the interpretation of the principle of congress autonomy should depend on the partisan composition of the government. In addition, the court ran through the political storm with the demand of democracy within the party also create another possibility. |
起訖頁 | 273-310 |
關鍵詞 | 國會自律、政黨、九月政爭、黨紀處分、權力分立、政黨民主、Political Party、Congress Autonomy、Party Disciplinary Order、Separation of Powers、Democracy、September Political Storm |
刊名 | 憲政時代 |
出版單位 | 中華民國憲法學會 |
期數 | 201501 (40:3期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101665132015014003001 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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