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The Aesthetic Building Style of Manhattan Chinatown in New York
作者 李思敏
中文摘要 伴隨著華裔移工到紐約討生活,紐約華埠是北美最具代表性的唐人街之一。自從19世紀以來,群居在此的華裔經歷了嚴重的種族歧視到移民解禁,這些歷史人文背景多少都在建築空間留下痕跡,拼湊出多元的景觀。本文的目標在於透過分析華裔在美國的獨特歷史背景來解說華埠的建築空間格局,針對華人文化、西方社會在十九世紀盛行的東方主義思維及西方社會眼裡的東方文化進行論述,來解讀紐約華埠建築空間。
英文摘要 Of all the Chinatowns in United States, the best known in East Coast is probably Manhattan’s. It was erected in the 1800s serving as an original point of entry for Chinese immigrants before going anywhere in the United States, and it has remained home to many of the Chinese Americans. Over the years Manhattan’s Chinatown has established a unique cultural and environmental atmosphere that seems to be isolated from it’s neighboring areas, promoting the community as both a residential enclave and a tourist site. This paper is meant to study the aesthetic building style through the lenses of Chinese immigrant history, Chinese culture, and orientalism.
起訖頁 117-127
關鍵詞 紐約中國城建築風格觀光東方主義New YorkChinatownArchitectureTourismOrientalism
刊名 建築學報
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
期數 201706 (100期)
DOI 10.3966/101632122017060100007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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