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A New Pedagogy in Mechanics of Material Courses for Architecture Students
作者 姚昭智李奇臻薛丞倫郭耕杖
中文摘要 本研究為了解建築系力學(包含材料力學以及結構學)教學學用落差的狀況,利用問卷調查國立成功大學建築系大學部的畢業生,對於學用落差感受的現況,以及過往力學課程的意見。為提升建築系力學課程之教學成效,以及排除困難的數學推導過程,同時考慮建築系學生其他科目學習方式多側重手做體驗,以了解物理現象之特性,故本研究開設材料力學行為實驗課程,以手做眼見的方式學習材料力學。本研究旨在探討材料力學行為實驗是否達開課目的,並以文件分析法、訪談法,以及測驗為研究方法,用以評估改善課程之成效。研究結果顯示可視性、可觸性實驗課程確實可幫助學生了解材料力學,並透過實際操作的過程可更加深其力學觀念。
英文摘要 Through questionnaire survey aiming to the students graduating from National Cheng Kung University, this study can both understand students’ feeling of “The Gap between Learning and Applying” and collect graduates’ suggestions on teaching methods of structure courses. Majority of courses in the department of architecture emphasizes hand-made experience. Consequently, the course “Experimental Mechanicsof Material Behavior” uses a new pedagogy, seeing and touching instead of difficult mathematical derivation, in Mechanics Courses.The purpose of this study is to discuss whether the course meets the learners’ expectation or not. This study adoptsdocument analysis, interviewing, and testsas research methods to evaluate effects on the improvements of the course. The result indicates that it is beneficial for students to understand the material mechanism by seeing and touching experimental courses. Through the procedure on manualoperation,students can obtain a deeper impression on concepts of mechanics of material.
起訖頁 001-016
關鍵詞 學用落差體驗式教學課程改善課程成效The Gap between Learning and ApplyingExperiential EducationCurriculum ImprovementCurriculum Evaluation
刊名 建築學報
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
期數 201706 (100期)
DOI 10.3966/101632122017060100001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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