篇名 | 綠建築基地保水指標案例之設計保水性能分析研究 |
並列篇名 | A Study of Rainwater Conservation for Soil Water Content of Green Buildings |
作者 | 徐虎嘯、洪德俊、薛義誠、劉惠美 |
中文摘要 | 臺灣因都會區綠地不足與社區過度不透水化,土地喪失水之涵養力亦使得地表逕流量暴增造成水災頻傳。綠建築標章制度自88年開始施行,現階段我國綠建築政策為提供建築師基地涵養雨水及貯留滲透雨水的設計標準,設定「基地保水指標」λ為評估指標以利評價恢復水文循環之成效。截至103年底,已有約4,800件案例通過評定審查,而大約有70%的案件採用基地保水設計。為能有效落實政府綠建築基地保水政策,並充分瞭解綠建築基地保水設計案例的實際現況,本研究透過這些評定通過案例,進行系統性分析研究,發現由於「建築技術規則」的綠建築法規鬆綁,其特殊保水工法的採用率明顯提升。此外建築基地所屬區位的差異性,也的確會反映在基地保水設計工法的選用,期能有效提供設計使用者與政府,作為綠建築基地保水設計之選取與法規修訂之參考。 |
英文摘要 | Urbanization reduces the opportunity for storm water infiltration that lessens groundwater recharge and increases pollutant loads into streams in Taiwan. The green building labeling system was established in 1999. The soil water content index (λ) is used to maintain the hydrologic conditions between pre- and post-development at the construction site. By the end of 2014, a total of approximately 4,800 buildings or projects were certified as green buildings, and about 70% of cases used soil water content. Since the study found the existing cases for estimating soil water content, there are regional differences between the use of soil water content. There has been an increase in the adoption rate of the specific soil water content index in the revised Green Building Standard Chapter in the Building Technical Regulations. This information can be used as advice to improve the lack of soil water content index of Green Buildings and be a frame of reference when the government sets up the relevant polices. |
起訖頁 | 035-047 |
關鍵詞 | 綠建築、基地保水、建築技術規則、Green Buildings、Soil Water Content、Building Technical Regulations |
刊名 | 建築學報 |
出版單位 | 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所 |
期數 | 201703 (99專刊期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101632122017030099010 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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