篇名 | 都市鄰里公園的友善兒童環境指標建構 |
並列篇名 | The Establishment of Child-Friendly Environment Indicators for Urban Neighborhood Parks |
作者 | 曾慈慧、董娟鳴、莊明霞 |
中文摘要 | 鄰里公園是最易親近的公共休閒設施,也是普遍、開放的休閒遊憩場所。針對兒童而建構的友善兒童環境並不多見,本研究以「友善兒童」的觀點建構「友善兒童鄰里公園指標」系統,作為鄰里公園設施之檢核依據,並用於評估環境之友善兒童程度。本研究透過文獻歸納與「專家問卷調查」,並以「AHP層級分析法」,建立三個層級的架構與評估準則,第一層級為「物理環境」和「社會心理環境」;第二層級包含「自然景觀」、「人工設施」、「學習性」、「社交性」、「健康性」、「安全感」、「參與感」等指標;第三層級指標則包括「可觀察動植物生態」等十六項,其中又以「安全使用的空間」最受重視,其次為「環境的潔淨性」以及「兒童尺度的設施」。顯示專家們非常重視環境的安全與潔淨,並認為以兒童尺度去量身訂作設施,更能顯示環境的友善兒童性。本研究最後研擬之各層級指標內涵,將指標轉化為易於衡量與評估鄰里公園之向度。 |
英文摘要 | Neighborhood parks are the most convenient public recreation facilities and are also the most common and open recreation sites. This study implements the “child-friendly” concept to establish a “child-friendly outdoor environment indicator” system as the examination basis for neighborhood parks and uses it to assess the child-friendliness of an environment. Indicator hierarchical framework and evaluation standards are established through reference induction, along with the use of “expert surveys” and the “Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).” Three levels of indicators were determined. The first level was “physical environment” and “social-psychological environment”. And the second level includes “natural landscape”, “artificial facilities”, “learnability”, “sociability”, “healthfulness”, “security”, and “sense of participation”. Finally, the third level of indicators consists of 16 items including “ability to observe plants and animals”. Among them, “safe use of space” was most highly regarded, followed by “cleanliness” and “children scale facilities”. This shows the experts’ emphasis on the environmental safety, cleanliness, and children scale facilities which demonstrate child-friendly environments. |
起訖頁 | 055-077 |
關鍵詞 | 親兒童、友善兒童城市、友善兒童環境、鄰里公園、層級分析法、Pro-child、Child-friendly City、Child-friendly Environment、Neighborhood Parks、Analytic Hierarchy Process |
刊名 | 建築學報 |
出版單位 | 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所 |
期數 | 201703 (99期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101632122017030099004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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