篇名 | CLD建模引導住宅街區友善環境議題推理與思考之演進 |
並列篇名 | The Evolution of Reasoning and Thinking to the Issue of Friendly Environment of City Residential Street Using the CLD Modeling |
作者 | 陳美智、張淑貞 |
中文摘要 | 住宅街區友善環境是國際關注適居城市的重要議題,這議題跨越環境、社會、心理和文化等領域,組成多元、複雜,必須從系統觀整合友善環境議題全貌,才能找到滿足多元需求的辦法。環境設計者擅長的直覺思考,確實可快速解決功能單純和空間使用明確的問題,卻不適合處理屬於複雜系統的友善環境議題。 系統動態學方法論(System Dynamics, SD)圖像化「因果回饋環路圖(Causal Loops Diagram, CLD),具有聚焦問題、整合跨領域多元組成議題、引導因果推理等系統思考特質,擅長處理複雜系統議題。CLD圖像模式非常適合輔助熟悉圖像閱讀的設計者,處理具系統與複雜特質的友善環境議題時,引導從系統觀演進式地進行問題的推理與思考。 本文以城市住宅街區友善環境議題為例,藉由SD學習實驗室(Learning Laboratory)概念,輔助設計者體驗:「直覺」、「因果推理」和「CLD建模」三階段推理與思考論壇活動的演進過程。從設計者的學習評論結果,發現「因果推理」和「CLD建模」二階段在引導整合問題全貌、找出關鍵因素和推理思考友善環境策略過程,確實讓他們建立了處理複雜議題之系統思考能力。 |
英文摘要 | A friendly environment of residential street is a universal issue to the livable city, which components are complex and multi-disciplines like environment, sociology, psychology and culture. The approach for solving this issue must integrate its components through a view of system to find ways to satisfy the multi-demands of the city. Designers have clever intuitional thinking to deal with problems with simple functions and the definite usage of space, but this character is not adaptable for solving the issue of a friendly environment of residential street properly. The graphic ‘Causal Loops Diagram (CLD)’ of System Dynamics (SD) approach has characters with system thinking, which help to focus on the core of problems, integrate key components of issues with multi-disciplines, and lead causality reasoning to issues with characters of system and complexity. Therefore, the CLD model is fit in with designers who are familiar with figure reading, and lead them to deal with and make progress on reasoning and thinking to the complex issues of friendly environment. By way of the ‘Learning Laboratory’ of SD approach, this study takes the issue of a friendly environment of city residential street as a case to advance the designers’ experiences on three evolution stages of reasoning and thinking forum activities, which are “intuition”, “causality reasoning”, and “CLD modeling”. The results of designers’ self-evaluation in the learning laboratory reveled that in processes of leading to have a holistic view to problems, find key components, and develop strategies, the reasoning and thinking activities do really help designers to have the capabilities of system thinking on dealing with the complex issues. |
起訖頁 | 119-143 |
關鍵詞 | 因果推理、系統思考、學習實驗室、CLD模式、友善環境、Causality Reasoning、System Thinking、Learning Laboratory、CLD Model、Friendly Environment |
刊名 | 建築學報 |
出版單位 | 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所 |
期數 | 201609 (97期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101632122016090097008 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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