篇名 | 臺灣北部地區醫院無障礙電梯點字系統評分模式及等級之研究 |
並列篇名 | A Study on the Scoring Method and Grading of Elevator Braille in Hospital at NorthernTaiwan Buildings |
作者 | 曾亮 |
中文摘要 | 由於我國身心障礙保護法及建築技術規則等法令,已對於公共建築物設置行動不便者使用設施與設備之施行有規範。對於醫院建築而言,早期未建立無障礙電梯點字系統之規範,常有發現點字字義有誤、點字貼片位置不當或點字貼片施作顛倒等多項錯誤態樣,造成視障者在醫院內垂直定向行動中,獲得不正確辨識與訊息等現象,而迷失在醫院複雜環境中,又無障礙電梯設施更為國家社會福利檢核要項之一;故本文以台灣北部七縣市醫院建築共92所為對象,並應用層級分析法(AHP)及問卷調查的方法,建立無障礙電梯點字系統評分模式及等級。 經本文針對台灣北部醫院無障礙電梯點字系統分析、問卷、權重、實證等作業後,評分模式: PⅠ=Σ(Wi×Si)所得結果:(1)主要構面影響因素(權重/名次):使用(0.358/1)、認知(0.328/2)、施工(0.314/3)。(2)以『台北市』27部電梯點字評分及等級:得分標準a(0.000~1.380)、a+(1.381~1.543)、aa(1.544~1.636)、aaa(1.637~2.000)等四級。(3)就台灣『北部地區』92部電梯點字評分及等級:得分標準A(0.000~1.200)、A+(1.201~1.500)、AA(1.501~1.700)、AAA(1.701~2.000)等四級。 |
英文摘要 | According to Taiwans’s Disablility Benefit Law and Building Code & Standards, public buildings are required to provide for those who are disabled. As far as hospital facilities goes, in the early stages, there weren’t any regulation for barrier free elevators, and the Braille System in elevators were not taken seriously. In result, the definition, positioning, and orientation of the Braille System were incorrect. Which led the visually impaired to navigate poorly in the complex hospital system. Therefore, accessible elevators became one of the main concerns for the National Benefit Authority. This article focuses on 92 public hospitals located in the northern seven counties. Using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and survey, to create a gradig method and ranking system for accessible elevator Braille. This article is compiled with, Braille System analyzation, surveys, weight, demonstration and, operational result. A ranking formula is constructed: PⅠ=Σ(Wi×Si). End result:(1)Structure of Braille Grading (weight of effecting factor/ranking): Usage (0.358/1)、Recognition (0.328/2)、Installation (0.314/3)。(2)in『Taipei City』27 elevators’ Braille ranking:grading standard as follow, a(0.000~1.380);a+(1.381~1.543);aa(1.544~1.636);aaa(1.637~2.000) with four different ranks。(3)in『northen seven counties』92 elevators’ Braille ranking:grading standard as follows, A(0.000~1.200)、A+(1.201~1.500)、AA(1.501~1.700)、AAA(1.701~2.000) with four different ranks. |
起訖頁 | 071-088 |
關鍵詞 | 層級分析法、醫院建築、電梯點字系統、Analytical Hierarchy Process、Hospital Building、Elevator Braille System |
刊名 | 建築學報 |
出版單位 | 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所 |
期數 | 201609 (96專刊期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101632122016090096010 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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