篇名 | 建築現代性的想像及其終結:中華商場的誕生與死亡 |
並列篇名 | The Imaginary of Architectural Modernity and its Termination: The Birth and Death of Zhunghua Shopping Yard |
作者 | 殷寶寧、陳宇珏 |
中文摘要 | 台北中華商場的誕生意味著國民政府在戰後都市治理中對現代性的想像。深究其創造過程,政策目的所欲傳達的價值,在於打造一個符合戰後首都現代化嶄新都市發展想像的新穎建築,同時兼具都市商業活動與居民安置機能的住宅。 因其所在區位連結起前往台北火車站的城市中心性,與西門町都市休閒商業機能的重要節點位置,加上所謂外省移民美食餐飲服務等因素,中華商場經由長時間的市民日常生活空間經驗,累積為充滿集體記憶與象徵符號的地點。其建築現代性的想像得以深植於市民的空間記憶中。 然而,這個承載政府與市民共同擁有的現代化建築與都市想像之夢,累積無數市民記憶的建築物與地景,最終在台北城市發展一路向東的過程中,以刮除重寫的方式,置入了乾淨文明、綠蔭大道的新想像,留下無數散落的殘夢與未解的行政疏漏。 本研究陳述中華商場建築誕生到終結的短暫三十年歷程,經由其建築文化形式與空間生產分析,檢視這座匯聚市民集體記憶的建築及其地景,如何訴說了台灣戰後建築現代性的想像及其終結。 |
英文摘要 | The birth of Zhunghua Shopping Yard in Taipei City implied the urban imaginary of modernity of the KMT government after the World War II. To contemplate its making process, the purpose of the policy was tried to disseminate the value what a modern brand new building was built, which both met the commercial needs and the settlement for the immigrants after the civil war in mainland China. Due to it situated nearby the Taipei main station, and the Ximending, the main leisure area since the Japanese rule times, and a lot of foods led by people immigrant from mainland China, Zhunghua Shopping Yard gradually become a landmark and urban nodes accumulated of people’s memory in their daily life. It is a place full of symbolic meanings and collective memory of people, especially the imagination of architecture modernity and what a modern city might be. Nevertheless, because of the urban expansion, and the new imagination for the green trees and boulevard, the architecture bear a lot of dream and memory was tore down after 30 years of its birth. The article described how the building was constructed and its death. By analysis its cultural form and the production of the space, to review the architecture, the urban landscape and the collective memory of people, the article tried to elaborate the imagination and its end of the architecture modernity in Taiwan after the WWII. |
起訖頁 | 001-026 |
關鍵詞 | 中華商場、現代性、城市想像、都市治理、現代主義建築、Zhunghua Shopping Yard、Modernity、Urban Imaginary、Urban Governance、Modern Architecture |
刊名 | 建築學報 |
出版單位 | 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所 |
期數 | 201609 (96專刊期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101632122016090096007 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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