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Plane Type and Fire Safety Design of the House for Long-Term Elder Caring, Curing and Nursing
作者 楊欣潔湯潔新
中文摘要 國內對於老人長期照護、養護及護理之家的建築及消防等相關規範雖已於醫療院所提出別於一般用途的法規規範,但其所需的規範與策略應與一般醫療院所有所不同。102年開始實行建築技術規則99-1條,規定相關機構應設置二個以上之防火區劃與室內安全梯,但此項規定並不適用於102年以前所設立之機構,因此即使其現況符合建築與消防相關法規規範,實際上仍然潛在許多火災安全問題。本研究以102年以前設立、不受建築技術規則99-1條限制之既有一般老人長期照護、養護及護理之家機構為主要研究對象,檢討各時期法規的平面類型及依法仍存在的問題,以「火災居室離室避難;非火災居室初期就地避難」的避難概念為主軸,並依據人員避難階段之火災安全控制因子提出相應的設計參考原則,以提升「102年以前設立之已為合法設計之機構的火災安全」。
英文摘要 Construction technology standard 99-1 has been applied by related responsible institution since 2013. The standard regulates that the long-term elder caring, curing and nursing house should have more than two compartments and interior escape stairs. However, the standard does not suit for institutions built before 2013. In this way, though those institutions conform to construction and fire safety rule and regulation, there are still potential fire risks. This research takes existing long-term elder caring, curing and nursing house built before 2013 and exempted from construction technology rule 99-1 as the objects and checks rule and regulation types in various periods and existing problems. We take "Leave the room and escape when in the room of fire origin; shelter-in-place whennot in the room of fire origin" as the main sheltering concept and put forward reference design principle according to the fire safety design strategy factors in different fire grow stages to improve "fire safety of existing legal institution design".
起訖頁 075-090
關鍵詞 避難弱者離室避難防火安全設計護理之家Disable EvacuationRoom EvacuationFire Safety DesignNursing Homes
刊名 建築學報
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
期數 201606 (96期)
DOI 10.3966/101632122016060096005  複製DOI  DOI申請

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