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Assessment Method for Durability of Reinforced Concrete Buildings
作者 鄭元良邱建國陳建忠陳君弢周楷峻陳美儒陳重利曾姿燕
中文摘要 本研究之目的主要建立一適用於鋼筋混凝土建築物之耐久性能評估方法,除建築物概要調查及以目視調查為主之耐久性能初步診斷外,尚包含以材料試驗為主之耐久性能詳細診斷,如:混凝土保護層厚度、混凝土抗壓強度、氯離子濃度及中性化深度等。工程師依初步診斷結果以選擇是否執行詳細診斷,並可依詳細診斷所得之耐久性能評定值或等級以決定維護策略,本文亦建議不同劣化主因或程度之對應維護方法選定原則。最後,本研究以一實例建築物為對象,依所建議之診斷流程逐項說明,以了解其應用性。
英文摘要 The main purpose is to build an assessment method of the durability for a reinforced concrete building. Besides of the summary investigation of building and the preliminary assessment including the visible investigation, the detailed assessment of the durability consists of several tests of material properties, e.g., concrete cover depth, concrete compression strength, chloride concentration, carbonation depth and so on. Engineers can follow the proposed assessment method to determine the durability of a reinforced concrete building. Furthermore, according to the quantitative index of the durability obtained from the detailed assessment, the appropriate maintenance strategy can be suggested to prolong the service life. The paper also suggests the maintenance strategies corresponding to various deterioration causes and degrees. Finally, a case study is used to investigate the application the proposed assessment method in this paper.
起訖頁 039-061
關鍵詞 鋼筋混凝土耐久性能概要調查初步診斷詳細診斷維護策略DurabilityReinforce ConcreteSummary InvestigationPreliminary AssessmentDetailed AssessmentMaintenance Strategy
刊名 建築學報
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
期數 201503 (91期)
DOI 10.3966/101632122015030091003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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