篇名 | 規劃設計階段考量耐震性及經濟性之中小學校舍規劃效率評估 |
並列篇名 | Planning Efficiency Evaluation for School Buildings Considering the Tradeoff of Seismic Resistance and Cost Effectiveness at the Planning and Design Stage |
作者 | 陳清山 |
中文摘要 | 建築師於規劃設計階段規劃建築物時,常會將建築物之耐震性及經濟性列為兩項重要規劃目標。但此兩項目標常常是互相衝突的,故造成建築師規劃設計建築物時極大的困擾,權衡此兩項衝突目標即為多目標最佳化問題。此外,目前的效率評估方法,大部份僅客觀地評估建築物的某項效率,較少融合規劃設計者的主觀規劃偏好。但建築物規劃設計具有某些主客觀因素,因此目前評估方法較不適用於建築物規劃效率評估,故如何發展一融合多目標及規劃偏好的規劃效率評估方法,成為一個值得研究的課題。本研究所使用的研究方法包含:模糊理論、無異曲線、效率前緣以及資料包絡分析法。模糊理論可詮釋建築師偏好具體程度; 藉由無異曲線的觀念,可定義建築師各種規劃偏好類型及權重; 資料包絡分析法則可計算出校舍之效率前緣曲線,建築師可藉此曲線評估校舍之規劃效率。本研究即以上述四項理論,發展中小學校舍的規劃效率評估模式。文末以臺中市326棟中小學校舍為範例,闡釋上述之方法論,從研究結果中可知,若僅用客觀的分析方法或僅於主觀上做認定,均不足於詮釋建築物規劃設計的意涵,而應兩者兼容並蓄。此研究成果可提供建築師於規劃設計階段規劃校舍之應用,亦可提供學術界後續研究之參考。 |
英文摘要 | At the building planning and design stage, the most important criteria in building planning are safety and cost. However, these two objectives are often in conflict. Thus, architects, who must also strike an optimal balance between two conflicting objectives, may be indecisive when planning buildings. Its a Multi-Objective Optimization Problem (MOOP). Except for the MOOP, there exists the subjective characteristics when architects planning the buildings. It is also deserved further investigation to explain these subjective characteristics adequately to match the architects planning preference. This research integrates fuzzy theory, indifference curve, efficient frontier and data envelopment analysis (DEA), and defines every type of architect planning preferences. Fuzzy number in fuzzy theory was adopted to identify the degree of architect preference. The slope of the indifference curve was used to determine the architect planning preference. The planning weight could then be deduced. This research applied the efficient frontier via DEA to identify a group of plans with the highest seismic performance index under different unit construction cost conditions for school buildings. This group of plans may create an efficient frontier curve for school buildings, with points serving as benchmarks. A total of 326 school buildings in Taichung City in an empirical study designed to illustrate proposed approach effectiveness. The results show that using only objective evaluation or subjective recognition is insufficient to explain the true nature of building planning. Findings can serve as benchmarks for inefficient school buildings at the planning and design stage. |
起訖頁 | 001-020 |
關鍵詞 | 中小學校舍、模糊理論、無異曲線、效率前緣、資料包絡分析法、School Buildings、Fuzzy Theory、Indifference Curve、Efficient Frontier、Data Envelopment Analysis |
刊名 | 建築學報 |
出版單位 | 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所 |
期數 | 201503 (91期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101632122015030091001 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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