篇名 | 行動不便者於建築火災之避難規定研究 |
並列篇名 | A Study on Evacuation Regulations of People with Disabilities under Building Fire |
作者 | 張尚文、蔡綽芳、邱晨瑋、雷明遠 |
中文摘要 | 內政部於101年10月1日修正「建築技術規則」無障礙建築物規定,加強了行動不便者勾、撞、跌倒的安全規定。本研究進一步分析國內建築防火以及無障礙建築的規定、訪談身心障礙者、防火專家及無障礙領域的專家之方法,探討法規改進的方向。研究結果指出,當行動不便者搭乘無障礙電梯進入建築物,一旦建築火災發生時,行動不便者無法使用無障礙電梯避難,由樓梯避難亦有困難,具有高度潛在的危險性,未來應考量無障礙避難電梯之可行性。此外,無障礙通路亦需有緊急狀況時的特別引導措施,並應有避難區的設置,才能提升行動不便者的安全。 |
英文摘要 | Ministry of Internal Affairs had Amended “Building Technical Regulations” related to provisions of accessible and usable buildings on October 1, 2012, which have improved the security regulations of preventing hook, hit, and falling of people with disabilities. This study analyzed the relevant regulations of domestic building fire prevention and accessible and usable buildings, and investigated weaknesses in evacuation regulations of people with disabilities. We tried to seek out a direction for improvement related to legislation through interviews with people with disabilities, fire experts, and professionals with accessible and usable field. This study found that when fires occur, people with disabilities who entered the building via an accessible and usable elevator could not use the accessible and usable elevator to escape and also could be unable to use stairs to escape by themselves, with potentially high risk. In future, evacuation elevators should be utilized to escape, while fire occurs, and refuge areas should be established in order to ensure the fire safety of people with disabilities. In addition, accessible pathways also need to have special guidance measures in emergency situations and a buffer refuge should be established, in order to ensure the safety of people with disabilities. |
起訖頁 | 153-164 |
關鍵詞 | 行動不便者、建築火災、避難、People with Disabilities、Building Fire、Evacuation |
刊名 | 建築學報 |
出版單位 | 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所 |
期數 | 201412 (90期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101632122014120090009 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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