篇名 | 輪椅使用者居住單元室內空間無障礙改善狀況之調查研究 |
並列篇名 | An Investigative Study of Interior Space of Dwelling Unit on Barrier-Free Improvement of Wheelchair User |
作者 | 陳震宇、許軒甄 |
中文摘要 | 依據內政部統計處(2012)的統計,我國輪椅使用者有逐年增加的趨勢,對輪椅使用者來說,作為住宅的居住單元更是其主要的生活場所。本研究將居住單元室內空間區分為出入口、客廳、廚房、浴廁、臥室與陽台六個空間,以問卷調查的方式對輪椅使用者進行調查,找出輪椅使用者在各個空間中所發生的各項障礙問題。從調查結果中發現,六個室內空間中,對於出入口及浴廁空間感到障礙的人數最多,其次為客廳、臥室、廚房,感到障礙人數最低之空間為陽台。而在發生障礙的內容上,在建築體方面主要為空間不足、門寬過窄與地面高低差等問題;設施部分則隨室內空間不同而有所差異。此外透過檢定的分析,也發現室內空間的改善情況與輪椅使用者的年齡、輪椅型式、沐浴及如廁之自立程度等四項因素有關。 |
英文摘要 | According to statistics released by the Department of Statistics, Ministry of the Interior (2012), the number of wheelchair users has been rising year by year in Taiwan. For wheelchair users, the dwelling unit of housing is their main living place. In this study, the interior space is divided into six dwelling units, including entrance, living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and balcony. In order to identify obstacles and problems in the dwelling units for wheelchair users, the questionnaire method was adopted. Furthermore, by referring to the specifications of Taiwan, the United States and Japan, concrete measures and recommendations are offered to solve the problems which wheelchair users will face in their housing and provide the benefit of the development of barrier-free environments in Taiwan. |
起訖頁 | 067-090 |
關鍵詞 | 無障礙、無障礙設計、輪椅使用者、居住單元、室內空間、Barrier-free、Accessible Design、Wheelchair Users、Dwelling Unit、Interior Space |
刊名 | 建築學報 |
出版單位 | 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所 |
期數 | 201412 (90期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101632122014120090005 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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