篇名 | 以高齡友善城市觀點探討臺北市公共空間—以信義區及萬華區為例 |
並列篇名 | A Study of Taipei Public Spaces from the Age Friendly City Viewpoint–Taking Xinyi District and Wanhua District as Examples |
作者 | 蔡淑瑩 |
中文摘要 | 台灣地區面臨高齡化社會的來臨,高齡人口已達11.3%,本研究就「活躍老化」的觀點,採用問卷、現場觀察法之研究方法探討高齡者參與都市公共空間之活動與需求。本研究共調查信義區及萬華區220位高齡者,結論如下:1.就臺北市為高齡友善城市滿意度,信義區受訪者(54.2%)高於萬華區(44.4%)。2.高齡者最常使用之公共空間為公園(18.3%)。3.高齡友善城市公共空間11項指標中,信義區滿意的前三項目依序是綠色空間的重要性(3.20),友善人行空間(3.17)及舒適和乾淨的環境(3.09);不滿意的前三項目依序為人行道和自行車道(2.50)、年長顧客的服務(2.52)及足夠的廁所(2.62)。萬華區滿意的前三項目依序為可及性(3.60),綠色空間的重要性(3.52)及友善的建築(3.40),不滿意前三項目依序為安全的人行穿越道(3.09)、其次為年長顧客的服務(3.11)及足夠的公共廁所(3.17)。未來亟需就不滿意項目進行改善,期望能營造一「高齡友善城市」。 |
英文摘要 | Taiwan is facing the arrival of the aging society, the percentage of the elderly population is currently 11.3%. The purpose of this study is using the point of view of active aging to address the major activities associated with public space in the city, by using the questionnaire and observation as research methods to explore interactions between the elderly and their activity needs. This study investigated 220 elderly in Taipei. Our conclusions are as follows: 1. More Xinyi District respondents (54.2%) are satisfiedwith "Taipei as an Age-friendly city", than Wanhua District respondents (44.4%). 2. Park is the public space most commonly used by the Elderly (18.3%). 3. Among the eleven indicators of public space in an age-friendly city, the three items of Xinyi District bringing most satisfaction are "Importance of green space" (3.20), "Friendly pavements" (3.17), and "Pleasant and clean environment" (3.09) in sequence. The three items of Xinyi District providing least satisfaction are "Walkways and cycle paths" (2.50), "Services for older customers" (2.52), and "Adequate public toilets" (2.62) in sequence. The three items of Wanhua District providing most satisfaction are "Accessibility" (3.60), "Importance of green space" (3.52), and "Friendly Buildings" (3.40) in sequence. The three items of Wanhua District providing least satisfaction are "Safe pedestrian crossings" (3.09), "Services for older customers " (3.11), and "Adequate public toilets " (3.17) in sequence. In the future, improvements in the items provoking dissatisfaction will need to be processed quickly in order to create an "Age-friendly city". |
起訖頁 | 023-034 |
關鍵詞 | 高齡友善城市、公共空間、高齡者、活躍老化、Age Friendly City、Public Space、The Elderly、Activity Aging |
刊名 | 建築學報 |
出版單位 | 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所 |
期數 | 201412 (90期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101632122014120090002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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