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Sustainable Urban Development for Commercial and Residential Areas: A Case Study of Paradoxical Mixed Land Use in the Taipei Shida Area, Taiwan
作者 邱世仁
中文摘要 混合使用是台灣長久以來主要的土地使用型態。本研究以實地觀察和問卷調查了422 個受訪者對於臺北師大土地混合使用地區的生活環境品質評價及環境認知,應用SPSS來處理和分析受訪者回應資料。研究結果顯示住民和非住民對於土地混合使用明顯有不同的評價,雖然住民強調居住環境的安全、健康、舒適的重要性,非住民更重視因土地混合使用而導致的便利性和多樣性。健康在住民與非住民的環境認知重要性都是最低,但住民對環境評價最不滿的就是健康。
英文摘要 Until recently, mixed land-use theory has been applied as the primary land-use philosophy in Taiwan. In this study, we surveyed 422 people in the Taipei Shida area to investigate their assessment of the environmental quality in the Shida area, which is zoned as a mixed land-use area. SPSS was used to process and analyze the response data. The results indicate d that residents and non residents have distinct views regarding the environmental impact of mixed land use. The residents focused on the importance of safety, health, and comfort when assessing their residential environment, whereas the nonresidents considered the convenience and diversity of mixed land-use areas to be more critical. The issue of health was considered the least crucial factor affecting environmental quality by both residents and nonresidents, despite causing the highest level of dissatisfaction among the residents. The key to attaining a compatible outlook of residential and commercial involves controlling the negative externalities of various types of mixed land use by developing autonomous mechanisms. Government and nongovernment organizations should collaborate with the private sector to maintain residential living environments. Hence, the compatibility of human activity and environmental quality can be realized to facilitate sustainable urban development goals.
起訖頁 017-031
關鍵詞 土地混合使用相容性環境品質環境認知永續都市發展Mixed Land Use CompatibilityEnvironmental QualityEnvironmental CognitionSustainable Urban Development
刊名 建築學報
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
期數 201406 (88期)
DOI 10.3966/101632122014060088014  複製DOI  DOI申請

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