篇名 | 文化資產洪水風險地圖的初探─以新北市為例 |
並列篇名 | A Study on the Flood Risk Maps to Cultural Assets: Taking New Taipei City as an Example |
作者 | 王价巨、楊怡瑩、柯佳蓉、許庭語 |
中文摘要 | 在全球氣候變遷影響下,「巨災常態化」已成為一種趨勢。「預防性保存」為國際間文化資產保存的主軸,世界各國都針對氣候變遷對於文化資產的衝擊和調適策略與步驟進行規劃,風險地圖的應用已成為預測文化資產脆弱性的工具。然而,目前台灣對於文化資產主體災害防範思維多為單點式思考,大多著重於單體建築的火災、防蛀、結構補強等,忽視了大環境的整體概念,但很明顯的已無法抵禦氣候變遷引發的頻繁天然災害,導致越來越多的文化資產面臨更高的災害風險。本研究以文化資產脆弱度分析為基礎,利用地理資訊系統,以新北市為個案,建構文化資產風險主題地圖的建置方法,並重新檢視文化資產面對水災的實際風險,進而探討以規劃手法因應的預防性保存策略。 |
英文摘要 | Under the effects of climate change, catastrophe normalization has turned into a global trend. The idea of “preventive conservation” is now the main axis of cultural preservation among all nations; many countries have begun to plan adaptive strategies and take steps towards the impacts on cultural asset. The application of risk maps has become the tool for considering cultural asset vulnerabilities. However, cultural asset preservation work in Taiwan remains mainly on insect-resist, antisepsis as well as structural reinforcement and fire prevention. The importance of overall environmental conceptual thinking is ignored. These limited approaches can barely confront disasters and damage caused by extreme weather. This study aims first to analyze and explore current global approaches then try to build a domestic risk map targeted on cultural asset combining hazard prone area analysis in New Taipei City in northern Taiwan. Analysis is made with GIS. Finally, this study examines present cultural asset preservation strategy based on cultural asset vulnerability. |
起訖頁 | 175-191 |
關鍵詞 | 文化資產、全球氣侯變遷、風險管理、風險地圖、預防性保存、Cultural Assets、Global Climate Change、Risk Management、Risk Map、Preventive Conservation |
刊名 | 建築學報 |
出版單位 | 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所 |
期數 | 201406 (88期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101632122014060088011 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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