篇名 | 由空間型構法則評估國小校園潛在危險角落 |
並列篇名 | Evaluation of Potential Dangerous Corners in Elementary Schools from the Perspective of Space Syntax |
作者 | 張淑貞、李素馨、何曉萍 |
中文摘要 | 近年來校園霸凌和犯罪事件頻傳,讓校園安全亮起了紅燈,若能瞭解校園潛在危險空間的分布,將有助於學校進行不安全空間改善和管理。因此,本研究以「空間型構法則」之靜態型構圖、動態型構圖和視域型構圖等三種分析方法,來解析校園空間潛在組構特性,藉此評估出潛在危險角落。本研究所指稱的「潛在危險角落」有二種,其一為易讓人感到不安全的空間,其二是易發生欺凌事件的地點,並選擇兩所不同空間類型之小學做為實證基地。研究結果顯示:(1)證實空間型構法則可做為校園潛在危險空間分布之評估工具,其中靜態型構對不安全空間指認之預測力最強,靜態、視域、動態型構分別對被欺負地點分布有顯著預測力。(2)不安全空間分布與活動、被欺負地點無關,其主要是受到空間特質之影響;被欺負地點與活動強度息息相關,空間特質對其的影響力次之。(3)曲線校舍、變化地形的校園比直線校舍、平坦地形的校園更易產生令人感到不安全的空間;而透空式圍牆可消除牆邊視線死角;使用密度較高的校園亦較易發生欺凌事件。 |
英文摘要 | Lately, bullying and criminal incidents occur frequently. School campuses have become unsecure. To assess potential dangerous space on campus will help schools improve and manage dangerous space. This study analyzes potential constitutive characteristics of campus space by three Space Syntax methods, convex maps, axial maps and visibility graphs, in order to evaluate potential dangerous corners. We identified two kinds of potential dangerous corners. One is the space where people feel unsecure, and the other is the location where students have been bullied. We also choose two different spatial types of elementary schools as a case study. The results show: 1)It is shown that Space Syntax can be a method to evaluate potential dangerous space on a campus; convex map has the greatest predictability in identifying unsecure space. Convex maps, visibility graphs, and axial maps separately have notable predictability for bullying locations. 2)The distribution of perceived unsafe spaces has nothing to do with the activities and bullying locations, but is mainly affected by spatial characteristics. Bullying locations are closely related to activity intensity and secondly influenced by spatial characteristics. 3)In contrast to a campus with straight lines and a flat terrain, a campus with curved road lines and a changing terrain easily produces unsecure spaces; permeable walls can eliminate interruptions in the line of sight; bullying incidents take place on campuses, where there is a high intensity of usage. |
起訖頁 | 155-174 |
關鍵詞 | 校園安全、霸凌、安全認知、危險地圖、犯罪預防、Campus Safety、Bullying、Safety Cognition、Risk Map、Crime Prevention |
刊名 | 建築學報 |
出版單位 | 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所 |
期數 | 201406 (88期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101632122014060088010 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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