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The Research of Planning and Implementation Strategies of Conservation Areas of Cultural Landscapes in Taiwan
作者 王淳熙傅朝卿
中文摘要 文化景觀作為文化資產的一種類型,在《文化資產保存法》中已規定得透過劃定保存區之方式進行保存維護,然而其劃定與後續操作之方式,並無法完全滿足不同類型之文化景觀在保存、管理、維護之需求。
英文摘要 The cultural landscape is one category of cultural heritage. According to the “Cultural Heritage Preservation Act”, in order to maintain cultural landscapes and preserve their environments and landscapes, the conservation area for a cultural landscape can be drafted and enforced. However the criteria and implementation of planning of the area according to the law does not fully fulfill conservation and management requirements of different types of cultural landscapes.
In this study, features of cultural landscapes will be analyzed from the aspect of “people”, “operation”, “site”, and “elements”, which altogether will be connected through “time”. It is also argued that the conservation of cultural landscape is different from that of monuments due to different management concepts of “people” and “operation”. Further, under the current system of law, possible conservation area systems in Taiwan for cultural landscapes will be discussed, namely “the special zone in the plan”, “the independent conservation area”, and “the conservation area subjected to different laws”. Suitable categories of cultural landscapes and possible problems within these three schemes will also be analyzed.
起訖頁 119-140
關鍵詞 文化景觀保存區管理維護Cultural LandscapesConservation AreaManagement
刊名 建築學報
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
期數 201406 (88期)
DOI 10.3966/101632122014060088008  複製DOI  DOI申請

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