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A Study on Public Construction Investment Decision-Making Review
作者 羅清達陳耀光
中文摘要 目前政府公共建設計畫計有23個次類別,均以個案計畫方式,缺乏整合規劃,其可行與否及優先順序,均涉及審議時投資決策之作為;其雖經過多層級的嚴密審查與審議通過後,交付執行,但仍屢有成效不彰的公共建設案例,顯見個案計畫審議方式之投資決策,已出現嚴重瓶頸,顯有其侷限之處。
英文摘要 As of now, government’s public construction projects cover a total of 23 sub-categories, which are carried out on a case by case basis with no integrated planning. Their feasibility and priority are scrutinized as investment decisions. Although review and scrutiny operations have been strictly implemented via multi-level examination before being handed over for execution, ineffective public construction cases are frequently found, proving that the decision-making mechanism of case by case review and scrutiny has reached a serious bottleneck with inbred flaws.
In the authoritarian era of martial law, it could be said public construction investment policy-making process was highly stable and sustainable. With the lifting of martial law, our country entered party politics with rotating governments where voters favor politicians who help their political interests. This irrational process often requires a substantial increase in social welfare spending, public works and capital, in other words, “electing a check”. This easily leads not only to confusion in resource allocation, where politicians, interest groups and officials are caught in the iron triangle between seeking gain and illegal interest, but also produces a resource crowding impact on important public construction investment projects. Infrastructure investment plans need to be smoothly promoted, and require a more realistic compromise.
The effectiveness of the government's public works have so far been repeatedly criticized for their investment decision-making mechanism. There is a need for them to be reviewed again: mechanisms are not immutable, and should be reviewed and revised the in step with times. This review is intended as a proposal to the Government, for government reference, for public construction investment decision-making.
起訖頁 105-117
關鍵詞 公共建設投資決策Public ConstructionInvestment Decision-making
刊名 建築學報
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
期數 201406 (88期)
DOI 10.3966/101632122014060088007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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