篇名 | 阿爾瓦羅‧西薩亞洲建築作品之分析與比較 |
並列篇名 | An Analysis and Comparison on Álvaro Siza’s Architectural Works in Asia |
作者 | 劉舜仁 |
中文摘要 | 阿爾瓦羅˙西薩(Álvaro Siza)是當今最受推崇的建築師之一。本文以西薩在亞洲近年的建築作品為研究的對象,希望透過有系統的整理、分析、與比較,對西薩在亞洲的建築創作進行較深入之探討。具體而言,本文以西薩過去的創作為論述的背景,選取其在亞洲的7個代表作品作為研討的對象,包含韓國的「安養閣」、「擬態美術館」、「愛茉莉˙太平洋研究與設計中心」、「濟州島住宅」、日本的「Niki渡假旅館」、台灣的「台豐高爾夫球會館」、以及中國的「實聯化工水上辦公室」。 整體而言,西薩的亞洲作品可以視為他在歐美地區創作的延續。這7個作品普遍呈現了西薩在設計思考、方法,與構造材料處理上的共通性,例如簡潔的幾何量體在不同基地條件下的巧妙安排,對自然光線引進室內的精密佈局,對材料使用與接合的簡約態度。然而,更值得注意的是,透過進一步的分析比較,本研究延伸了既有的建築論述,深化對西薩創作的認識,並且經過層層抽絲剝繭,逐漸澄清了西薩在亞洲的建築創作歷程中浮現的幾項重要議題。 |
英文摘要 | Álvaro Siza is regarded as one of the most significant architects in the world. This study attempts to explore the design thinking and methods of Siza’s architectural works in Asia through a systematic analysis and comparison. Using Siza’s creations in the past as a background for discussion, seven of Siza’s representative works in Asia are selected as subjects for study. They are: AnYang Pavilion, Mimesis Museum, Amore Pacific R&D Center, and Jeju House in Korea; Niki Hotel & Spa Arasaki in Japan; TaiFong Golf Club House in Taiwan; ShihLien Chemical Office Building in China. Generally speaking, Siza’s architectural works in Asia can be seen as on a continuum with his works in Europe. The seven works show the common characteristics of Siza’s design thinking, methods, and ways of handling construction and materials, e.g. the delicate arrangements of the simple geometric volumes under various site conditions, the ingenious introduction of natural light to interior space, and the minimalist attitude to the use of materials and joints. Nevertheless, what deserves attention is that, through further analysis and comparison, this study extends the existing architectural discourse and thus deepens our understanding of Siza’s work. Moreover, it clarifies a number of emerging issues which are critical to Siza’s architectural creation in Asia. |
起訖頁 | 079-104 |
關鍵詞 | 阿爾瓦羅˙西薩、建築設計、建築理論、設計思考、設計方法、Álvaro Siza、Architectural Design、ArchitecturalTheory、Design Thinking、Design Method |
刊名 | 建築學報 |
出版單位 | 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所 |
期數 | 201406 (88期) |
DOI | 10.3966/101632122014060088006 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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